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Hello everyone just a quick note.
I just want to say a big Hello to everyone and make sure everyone is ok and happy.
Lately I have been feeling a bit out off place and not my self🥵🥵🥵😳😳

Please excuse me for my dark dorky humor I use my humor to hide my sensitive side and depression. The holidays are here and I feel like I will have another breakdown like I did on thanksgiving all because off a sweater that I don't allow anyone to touch.

Yesterday I took my sassy princess to see her doctor and her meds were change and I'm not happy because she's showing signs off depression as well not only that but she has high anxiety and now depression and on top off that she's autistic how much does my daughter have to deal with she's only 11 years old.   I wish she didn't have to deal with any off these and just have to deal with normal pre-teen shit. I'm just overwhelmed and unhappy with all these.

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