How does it feel??

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How does it feel that after you had everything now you don't have anything? How does it feel to fall of a pedestal that your wife put you on for so longs
How does it feel that now you have fallen and the only one that is weaseling to help you is the person that you hurting the most?
How does it feel that your friends that were so important to you are turning their back on you? And the girl that you cheated with doesn't even remember who you are now that you have nothing to show?
How does it feel that the only person that has been there for you through thick and thin is still there for you after you cheated on her for 3 mother fucking months when your child was the sickest but you still had the time and energy to fuck around.
How does it feel that your own family has told me that their homes are always open for me when I need them but they don't want to give you a place to stay because off what you have done.

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