My baby the soccer player

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Yesterday was the proudest moment in my life. My baby who  has autism has never been interested in any sports. Until  she started her new school. Her P.E coach pulled together a soccer team with all the special ed  students. My baby my little girl that a year ago was in a wheelchair on a walker that couldn't walk or do anything by her self is part of that team of little Angels. Not only her coach and special ed teachers and assistants have made it their duty to teach them how to play and have fun while playing. But that's not the big surprise my baby will be playing in a soccer tournament sponsor by the special olympics. How kool is that . Yesterday I was talking to her coach and he was so excited to tell me that she is a great player that she learned how to still the ball. That she's one of the best players that the team has. I'm so proud off my baby Angel she has come along so far . Words can't explain how proud and excited I fill for her and her team mates 🏆🥇⚽️⚽️⚽️⚽️⚽️

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