Not affraid to be alone

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I have been with a person for the past 15 year. The father off my beautiful daughter.

Today he woke up and decided to move out without a warning. Yeahhh it hurts like a bitch but like I just told him not afraid to be on my own. Not afraid to move on after 15 years not afraid to raise my children on my own. He tried to blame me for he's decision but God knows what type off woman I am.

Not afraid to take the world by it's balls and move toward my future with my children. Not afraid to be the person that I have always been care free loving and Rwanda to help who ever needs me.

Not afraid to show my children that you don't have to be in a relationship to be loved. We have to love ourselves first before we love someone. I'm ready to work on me as a woman so I could show my daughter to respect her self. Show my son how to respect the woman that he loves so she learns how to love him and respect him. Life is beautiful and we need too look forward to it 🥴🥴🥴🥴🤬😱🤬🤬🤬But now he comes back saying that he was just playing fuck off

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