Family who

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It's hard to believe that some family members say what they got to say to you without thinking if what they said will hurt or offend you. I'm the type of person that would do anything to help one in need being a stranger a friend or family member. I have come to realize that sometimes strangers and friends appreciate you more than your own blood. It's not the first time that it has happened to me. But why do I keep on being a fool and keep on helping someone else when they're going through hell. I don't expect anything from anyone a Thank you and some respect is all I want in return. Not money or anything materialistic.
Now I remembered why walked away from my family for so long and why none of them ever knew about me for so long until six months ago. My thoughts have turned dark again and I'm ready to give up on the idea that family is everything in life. I need to teach my kids to trust their better judgement and to trust them self's and to always say No to family and not feel guilty for it. By saying No it doesn't make you a bad person. It just helps you from getting used and hurt by others.

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