My first love

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Yesterday my niece asked me a question on Instagram

And my honest answer was to haves stayed in school and become an archeologist

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And my honest answer was to haves stayed in school and become an archeologist. But I also don't regret my decisions and mistakes that I made in my past. I was only 20 years old in a relationship that I thought it was my world and didn't think of anything else. Well I got pregnant and by the age of 21 I was pregnant with a hard decision off staying in school or just continue working at the same time my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. I made my decision to have my baby help my mom and go back to school after the baby was born. At that time I didn't know what my future was going to be. I had a high risk pregnancy in which my I had to put in writing that if at any chance it would have to be considered my life or my beautiful baby's life to please let my baby make it. I had a troublesome long five months working and spending time with my mom who was so happy that she was going to be a grandmother for the first time which gave her the strength to fight cancer. At 6 months my doctor told me that I need it to be rush to the hospital because I was in risk of having a stroke. So I stayed in the hospital in complete bed rest for a month enough time to give my baby a chance to get more stronger and healthy. At that time I didn't even know what I was having if a baby girl or boy. My doctors gave me the bad news one day while I was at the hospital that my baby wouldn't make it another day in my belly. So I told her let's have a baby today then I'm ready for anything but to be honest I was so scared to death off what was going on. At that time my relationship with my baby's dad was already dead he was just there because he didn't have anything better to do. All decisions were made by me in which It was already to much to even consider his feelings about anything.

I was given some medications to start my labor and it hurts like a bitch ohhh my god worst pain that I have ever gone through in my life. I was in labor for 24 hours and the baby's heartbeat was dropping and I was loosing my baby my doctors made the decision to do an ultrasound to see why the baby's heartbeat was dropping and that's how I found out that I was having a big baby boy but my baby had he's umbilical cord wrapped around his neck. That little monkey was choking himself.

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