A new chapter in my life

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A new chapter in my life has started. I have finally decided to move on and start healing from a toxic relationship. I gave these man that I loved for 16 years and still in love with. I still gave him five months off my life to show him how much I love him and how good our marriage could be if we work on it. But he didn't take advantage of those five months. He just kept on hurting more and taking advantage off my love and kindness to him. Friday night was the night that I finally realized that he doesn't love me anymore that he was just staying in my home for the free. He wasn't paying rent or bills or groceries. But what really hurts me is that he wasn't even trying to spend time with our child.
Yesterday was my first day off freedom. My first night off being on my own and sleeping without any worries that he might be mad at me for some reason. I'm 39 years old and I have lived through everything. I know that I could make it. Naaahhh better yet I will make it there will be struggles and lonely nights but I will make it♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️🥰🥰🥰🥰

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