Loosing a love one again💔💔💔

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The lost of a love one

So these is how I started my year. While I was nursing a hangover on 1/01/2019 I'm woken up with news that my uncle whom I lost contact with for 8 years. After my fathers death I lost my parents house no money and no place to stay for my kids and I.
I had to tell my sick uncle that he needed to find a place to live at for the moment because I couldn't take care off him for the moment. For 3 months I had to live with my in-laws with my kids sleeping on the floor with two young children verily mankind money to feed my Kids and morning the recent death of my father. When I finally got my self together with the help of my husband. I tried to look for him and never found him.
Until now I found out that he was so close to me. I found out that some family members knew were he was and how he was living. Those family knew that I was looking for him and they never said anything to me regarding my sick uncle.
I found out that he passed away on 9/30/2018. I was notified by my step brothers that live in Centra America on New Year's Day and my stupid hateful cousins didn't tell anyone until New Years because they didn't want me to find him. They finally said something when they were being pushed the mortuary to pay up for the funeral services and they didn't want to be responsible.
To make everything short on his paperwork he had put that in case of an emergency to look for me that I would take care off him. So me being the person that I am took over all decisions paid the money that need it to be paid had him cremated take him out of the mortuary and he is on his way to our home country in Central America were the rest of our family is waiting for him to give him a proper funeral.
My heart has been broken in million pieces. He wasn't just an uncle he was like a father to me. He helped my mom out when my dad wasn't around to be a proper dad to my brother and I. He was there for me growing up and even after I grew up and started having my kids he was happy to be a uncle/grandfather to my baby's. Now he's gone. I finally found him but a mortuary when I had to identify his body and to pick up his ashes.

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