I'm still here 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺

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I'm still here but I'm grieving.  Have lost a person that meant so much to me. He was like a second father to me. When my dad didn't want to step up and be a man my uncle was there to take care of me and my brother.

After my parents bypassed away and I lost their home and all my savings that I used to take care of them. I became homeless with two young babies. I had to walk away from my uncle because I couldn't take care of him anymore. I didn't have a place for us to live and I couldn't even afford food for us to eat.

The last time I saw and spoke to my uncle was on my dads funeral when I only had 0.50 cents in my pocket and nowhere to live at. Seven long years haves passed that  spend so much time looking for him to bring him back home with me. To only find out through other distant family that he passed away on 9/30/2018 and that he's body has not been claim. Because nobody wants to take responsibility over him.

I confirm that he is there at the morgue waiting to be placed to rest. He's finally going to meat my grandma , my dad and mom. No more pain no more illness and no more suffering. May he's body Rest In Peace 💔💔💔💔💔💔

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