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Silver hated to be home on an evening

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Silver hated to be home on an evening.

She usually was always out. She wasn't at parties, or at any social events. Maybe she'd go on a ride on her famous Silver bike, or go with Jonathan to see a movie, or just go to the park to take a couple of photos with her camera. But that exact night, she was stuck home, and she dreaded the night to come.

She snapped another shot before sighing, bored out of her mind. She liked to be on the move. Have something to do. She was restless if there was nothing to do, and even then she'd maintain herself busy. Anything to be stuck alone with her thoughts.

She knew that if she started to think, and think, she would end up regretting what she'd do next. For, as a matter of fact, Silver and Jonathan hadn't really spoken in quite a while. He had been busy with Nancy, and she had been busy avoiding him. For her, he was a sensitive matter to talk about.

She truly loved Jonathan, really. They had been together for quite a long time now, and not being with him broke her. She hated changes, and she hated going out of her comfort zone. But not being on speaking terms with him made that hard, and she had to step out of her comfort zone.

Stupid Jonathan..why did you have to leave me? She thought, before shacking that thought away.

"Shit shit shit shit!" She heard her younger brother curse down the hallway. She put her camera down on her desk and walked into the living room. Dustin, her 13 year old brother, with a mass of brown curly hair was looking for God Knows What under the sofa. Her mother was watching TV while petting Mews, who was on her lap. "Mom, can I please look under your cushions?"

She chuckled and put her hand on his head. "What're you looking for?"

"Some stupid pennies for the arcade." She put her hand in her back pocket and pulled out a few pennies. She softly smiled at his big grin and handed them over. "Here you go, buddy."

Dustin swiftly hugged her and ran to his room. "Thanks, Jessie!"

She hated being called Jessie. She only let Dustin call her that way, because, he's her brother. Jonathan also used to call her like that, but of course, he lately hasn't.

She sighed, and returned to her room, to spend the rest of the night staring at the wall while she lied on her bed, and lied to herself by thinking everything was alright.

She swiftly parked her silver bicycle next t the other cool and brand new bikes, mounted off it to enter her high school, with a satchel over her shoulder that contained all the books and papers she needed for that day.
She didn't mind going to school. It was something that kept her busy, light on her feet. But lately, every day seemed to be the same as the next. Nothing remotely interesting or exciting had happened since Will's disappearance last year, and finding out about the Upside Down.

Entering the hallways, this girl named Trina, with dark curly hair and a pink bubblegum in her mouth, handed one of the Halloween party invitations to Silver. She scanned it quickly, before putting it in her bag with no big deal. She had no intention of going to this party whatsoever, not with Jonathan going with Nancy. She had no intentions of third wheeling, even tho Jonathan was her boyfriend after all.

"Are you coming, Silver?" She looked up to see Nancy. Silver gave her a forced smile. It's not that she disliked Nancy. In fact, seeing how she dealt with Barb Holland's death, she admired the short haired girl. But given the circumstances, she just didn't feel comfortable near her.

"No, it's not my type of event." Silver gave some lame excuse, and ignored Jonathan's curious stare. "I'm just going to do the usual; watch a film, probably Jaws, like always."

Her and Jonathan always used to watch that film, but she didn't think they would this year. "You both have to come." Continued Nancy. "You know it's going to be fun."

"I'm supposed to go trick or treating with Will." Jonathan gave another lame excuse, and Nancy just squinted her eyes at us. "God, you guys are so boring."

Nancy walked off with her boyfriend Steve, and Jonathan trailed behind. Silver went the opposite way. Right now, she didn't think she could handle any of them.

She was tired of pretending.

- x x x -

Authors note

I'm actually pretty excited for this!! I can't wait for Silver and Steve to have a proper conversation, i mean this is only the prologue. I feel very sad for Silver seeing as Jonathan is just pushing her away. My poor baby Silver

Also don't be scared to comment your opinions, so long as it's respectful it's very appreciated

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