17 | a whole new man

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also known as : chapter one - suzie, do you copy?

Silver drove the car safely down the road, blasting The Beatles on her radio. She was perfectly aware they weren't that listened to now days by teenagers, but she really enjoyed their unique sound and lyrics. She had finally gotten a car for her birthday, and she used any excuse to drive it. Of course, she hadn't thrown her iconic silver bicycle away, she had just handed it down to Dustin, who had been content of getting a good and strong one.

"This is Gold Leader, returning to base. Do you copy? Over." Dustin said, his lips pressed against the radio attached to his new machine he had built in the summer. Silver had gone and picked him up from summer camp, taking advantage that she herself was returning from this fashion designing program in Michigan. Silver had been gone from Hawkins for three months now, and looked forwards to seeing all of her friends again. Dustin, on the other hand, had only been gone for a month and was freaking out because no one was answering his walkie-talkie.

Dustin repeated the same line a few times over, growing more frustrated each time. Silver eyed him carefully, biting down her lip as she watched him slam it down, sighing. "Hey, relax. You'll see them soon, we're nearly there." Dustin rolled his eyes, not wanting to look at the logical side of things. "But I'm in range, they should be answering."

"Have you seen this unbearable heat? They're probably in the pool or outside having fun." Silver turned the steering wheel right as she stepped on the breaks, meeting a red light. "Maybe." he muttered, looking out of the window as he admired the Hawkins view. "So, you and Steve dating yet?" Silver rolled her eyes, clicking her tongue. "You left after me, how would that even be possible?" Dustin shrugged.

"Anyways, we're just friends." Dustin groaned, pretending to slam his head on the window. "That is such bullshit!" Silver widened her eyes, smacking Dustin slightly. "Language!" Dustin ignored her comment, dismissing it aside. "I can't believe that it's been a year and yet you still haven't confessed your feelings to each other."

"Haven't you ever considered that there might not be any feelings there?" Dustin raised his eyebrow at her, crossing his arms over his chest, noticing how her eyebrow twitched, something that always happened when she lied. "Even a blind man would be able to sense the sexual tension between you."

"Okay, that's kind of offensive to blind people." Silver changed the subject, biting her lip, not wanting to think deeply about the boy who had captured her heart. "I can't believe I got a girlfriend before you and Steve hooked up." Silver widened her eyes, slamming on the breaks as she turned the car one way, as the car behind her honked. She turned to her younger brother, who stared at her like she was crazy.

"You have a girlfriend?!" Dustin grinned and nodded, showing his clean white pearls. "Yeah, I met her at the science camp. She's like super smart, and like, hotter than Phoebe Cates." Silver raised an eyebrow and scoffed, starting up the car again. "Smart AND hotter than Phoebe Cates? Not possible. That wasn't a funny joke, you know."

"I'm not joking! She lives in Utah. Her name is Suzie." Dustin protested, as Silver paid no mind. "Okay, whatever you say." Dustin let out a huff of annoyance, slumping over on the car seat.

Half an hour passed before Silver spoke up again, entering the neighboorhood. "I'm going to the shopping mall to see Ste-some friends. Wanna come?" Dustin shook his head, not wanting to interrupt the love fest. "No, thanks. Just wanna stay home today."

Silver pulled up in her house's driveway, pressing lightly on the breaks. "You sure you don't wanna come?" the look on Dustin's face said it all. He exited the car as Silver started up the car engine, driving towards the new Hawkins mall.

Steve scooped out some chocolate ice cream, placing it on a biscuit cone, handing it out to the two pretty girls that stood in front of the . "Alrighty, one scoop of chocolate. That's a buck-twenty-five." a nausical little tune played at the back, as Steve grinned at the two girls who payed no attention to him at all. Ever since he finished school and hadn't been accepted into college, he got a part time job in an ice cream parlour in the new mall.

The girl on the right handed Steve the money as he cashed it in. "Purdue?" he asked, pointing at her sweater. She looked down and chuckled. "Excited." Steve pressed his lips, looking down. "Yeah, I considered it, but then I was like, you know what?" the girls looked weirdly between themselves, licking their ice creams, only wanting to get their change back. "I really think I need some real-life experience, you know, before I hit college. See what it feels like to earn a working-man's wage." 

Steve handed in the change once the machine beeped, not realising the weird looks he was getting from the two girls. "This was fun. We should do something next weekend." The girl on the right raised an eyebrow. "I'm sorry, I'm busy." and with that she walked away with her friend, chuckling and licking their ice creams as Steve was left speechless, sighing.

"And another one bites the dust. You are oh-for-six, Popeye." the blonde taunted, scribbling down another line on the 'you suck' side. "Yeah, I can count." he muttered sarcastically, crossing his arms over his chest. "You know that means you suck." Robin said, chuckling at her co-worker's failure. "I can read too."

"Since when?" she mocked, a grin on her face as he ignored her comment. "It's this stupid hat, it's totally blowing my best feature." Steve bragged about his hair, Robin not believing a word he said about how fabulous his hair was. "Company policy is a real drag." Steve contemplated a few seconds before throwing his hat to the side. "Screw company policy."

"Oh wow, you're a whole new man." she laughed, and then nudged him. "Go on, there's a customer. Pretty too." Steve passed a hand through his messy hair, before turning around with his usual smirk, quickly being wiped away as he stood speechless as who stood in front of him. The brunette smiled awkwardly, lifting her hand as she waved, tucking a lock of her brown hair behind her ear. "Jess... you're back." 

Robin frowned, wondering what had Steve acting so weird, raising her eyebrows as he jumped over the counter and picked up the girl in his arms as she squealed, hugging him tightly. "Well, this is a new method." 

"Oh my god, oh my god, why didn't you tell me you were back?" he mumbled into her shoulder, afraid that if he let her go she would disappear once again. He felt her chest vibrate against his as she laughed, and they both separated, ignoring some looks of newcomers. Silver looked down at his uniform, trying to stiffle a laugh as he groaned. "Why did you have to see me like this?"

"I had to see if the rumours were true."


"That a handsome devil was working in an ice cream shop...but I can't see him anywhere, so I guess not." she laughed as she messed up his hair as he glared at her, not being able to stop a smile of spreading onto his face, overjoyed his best friend was back again. "The only thing I can see is a clown embarrassing himself." someone interrupted as Silver turned around. "Robin, Harrington's co-worker."

"Oh how unfortunate for you. It must be a nightmare." Silver mocked Steve who pouted as she shook Robin's hand. "Jessica Henderson, but mostly everyone calls me Silver." Robin grinned at her. "I can tell we're going to be good friends." Silver nodded as Steve groaned.

"God no, I can't have you two turning against me. It's bad enough already." Robin and Silver grinned at him, shrugging as Steve wrapped an arm around Silver, side-hugging her.

"I'm just glad you're back."

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