15 | boyfriend?

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BOYFRIEND?also known as : chapter nine - the gate

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also known as : chapter nine - the gate

The powerful girl was soon in the arms of Mike, whispering sweet nothings to each other as Mike reassured her that he had called her every night, ever since her disappearance. Silver stood speechless, as she lowered her gun, softly smiling at the reunion between the two kids. She realised how different Eleven's look was, and that made her wonder where the innocent child had been the past year. Her brown curls that reached her chin were pushed back with gel, and  black eyeliner was smudged around her eyes, the iconic blood dripping down her nose. She wore all black, looking like she had come out of one of the MTV Rock Magazines.

And then the most unexpected thing happened; Hopper tugged Eleven into a hug, asking where she had been. A look of realisation crossed everyone's face, well, everyone minus Steve, who hadn't the tiniest clue what the hell was going on. "You've been hiding her." he accused, before shoving the police, who turned around angrily. They both took it to another room, and soon Mike's shouts were heard, as Silver winced. That kid held a lot of anger.

Eleven greeted Silver with a soft smile, as Silver pulled a old handkerchief from her pocket, wiping Eleven's blood. "I like the new look." she grinned and the small girl, who returned the gesture with a small hug. Once she let go, she looked at Steve who stood behind Silver. She nodded at him and asked Silver. "Boyfriend?" Dustin snickered as both Steve and Silver blushed, acting all flustered.

"What?" "I don't-" "But-"

Silver and Steve glanced at each other before looking away, clearing their throats and stuffing their hands in their pockets.

"It's not like it was before. It's grown. That's even if we can get there. The place is crawling with those dogs." Hopper mustered to the group who were staring at him. They were all gathered around the Byers' dining table, which was hidden under a big pile of papers and Will's drawings of the mind flayer. They were all trying to come up with a plan to stop this madness before anyone else managed to die. Of course, it was up to Dustin to correct Hopper by saying demo-dogs, and then proceeding to explain the word. Frankly, nobody really cared.

"I can do it." said Eleven, sure of herself. And there was no doubt in Silver's mind that she could. But she was scared what that amount of energy could do to Eleven. "Even if El can, there's still another problem. If the brain dies, the body dies. If El closed the gate and kills the mind flayer, and it kills the army..." argued Mike, trying to make the rest understand is point. "Will is a part of that army." Lucas finished for him, watching as Joyce's face paled.

"So we need to make Will's body uninhabitable." said Silver, as everyone frowned at her. "What?" asked Jonathan, making Silver realise no one had come across the same idea as her. "We need to get it out of Will's body so we can close the gate and kill the mind flayer. If we make Will's body uninhabitable, the monster will free his body."

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