12 | why the hell do you have a gun in your bag?!

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WHY THE HELL DO YOU HAVE A GUN IN YOUR BAG?!also known as chapter 8 : the mind flayerpart two

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also known as
chapter 8 : the mind flayer
part two

It was dark. Pitch black. If it weren't for the three flashlights that Steve had found in the back of his car, they would probably be lost, wondering aimlessly through the dark forest, fearing every little twig snap or distant howl that would be heard. Maybe eaten by some animal. Or monster. Silver shuddered at the thought.

But of course, there was only three flashlights, and there was two teens and three kids. It didn't add up. So Silver found herself holding Steve's hand as he guided her through the dark. Steve's bigger, hot, warm, cosy and comfortable hand. Not that any of the two were moaning. That way they got to hold hands with an excuse. Not that anyone would believe said excuse. And while they were all focused on getting to the lab were the distant howls were heard, Steve and Silver's mind kept drifting to another thought, a thought that made them feel warm and fuzzy on the inside, but with an added wave of fear and confusion.

A shout was heard close to them, a human voice. Silver couldn't distinguish what was being shouted, but she thought it sounded familiar. Steve scrunched up his face in deep thought, before taking a step forwards, past the thick trees. "Wait, what if it's some scientist from the lab or a police man?" Dustin made Steve stop in his tracks, shaking his head. "But what if it's someone in danger?" he defended, raising his eyebrows, expecting someone else to defy his idea.

"Besides, doesn't it sound sort of familiar to you?" the kids looked at Silver, not saying anything. For them, they thought it was just some stranger's voice. Steve motioned his head to keep moving, and before long, they came across a clear space, leaving the thick of trees behind them as they came across two bodies. Silver squinted her eyes at the bright light being shone into their faces, squeezing Steve's hand as an involuntary act. "Silver?"

Silver finally opened her eyes and looked baffled at the two who stood before her. She gaped at them as a million questions crossed her mind, but none said aloud. What were they doing here? What were they doing together? Were they dating? Where had they dissapeared the last few days?

She saw how Jonathan looked down at Steve's hand wrapped around Silver's hand and raised his eyebrows in surprise, before looking at the two confused. Steve squeezed her hand back in reassurance, as Nancy pinched her eyebrows together. "What are you doing here?" Nancy exclaimed, as Steve answered back the same thing.

"We're looking for Mike and Will." Silver took a sharp inhale of air, looking at the building fearfully as a distant screech was heard. "They're not in there, are they?" Dustin asked anxiously, realising the same thing Silver had. "We're not sure." Silver passed a hand through her messy hair, her cheeks flushed. "Shit, you better hope they're not." Jonathan looked confusedly at Silver. "Why?" at the same time he asked, a louder screech was heard, followed by distant howls. Silver swore under her breath, before taking a gun out of her bag.

Steve widened his eyes as he gaped at her, as Max hid behind Lucas, looking at the weapon fearfully. Dustin raised his eyebrows, looking at Silver perplexed, as Jonathan nodded. "Why the hell do you have a gun in your bag?!" exclaimed Steve, as Silver chuckled, motioning to the lab. "You hear that?" Silver paused, not awaiting an answer. "I need something to defend myself."

As Steve looked at her dazed, Dustin took a step closer. "Where did you find it?" Silver smiled sadly as she looked down at it. "It used to be dad's." Dustin nodded, confirming what he already knew, before pushing past her, as Silver looked at him, doubting between saying something or keeping quiet.

She choose the latter.

"We haven't seen them since-" The group found themselves arguing when was the last time they had seen either Mike or Will, or both of them. Jonathan motioned his head towards Silver, thinking how Will and Silver were rather close. "When was the last time you saw Will?" the whole group turned to look at her. Silver shifted her weight as she stood awkwardly, not liking the whole focus of the group's attention on herself.

"I haven't seen any of them since Halloween." Silver flushed deep red as she snuck a look at Steve, who was already staring at her with a small smile on his face. Jonathan saw the small interaction between the two and frowned, slowly getting the hints. "I don't even want to know what these two did on Halloween." teased Dustin, pretending to be sick on the floor, as Lucas snickered and wiggled his eyebrows.

Both Silver and Steve flushed even darker, as Silver hid behind her hair. "Dustin!" before anyone else could say anything, Nancy broke the argument. "The power's back." the whole group shut up and looked at her, before realising the lab's lights were on. They all sprinted to the car as Jonathan tried to open the gates, with no avail. Dustin pushed him aside (still sore on how he had treated his sister) and tried to open it himself. When it still didn't open, Dustin banged his fist on it. "Son of a bitch!"

Silver frowned as she found herself wrapped around Steve's jacket. "No swearing Dustin!" the child ignored her, as he continued to swear under his breath. Silver rolled her eyes but smiled softly at her brother, as she leaned against the car. But what she didn't realise was that two boys were looking fondly at her. One focused on the past that they had, missing her and regretting his past actions and decisions. And the other was focused on the future. He didn't know if they were going to be in a relationship or not, but knowing he would get to spend the rest of his days with her made it enough for him.

It wasn't until a while after that Jonathan figured out how to get in. Of course, that meant that only he and Nancy went in, so Steve and Silver could look after the kids. She didn't know what Jonathan's intention with that was. She didn't know if it was to spend some time alone with Nancy, or if it was to avoid talking to her.

She sighed as she crossed her arms over her chest, but it wasn't long before two cars screeched as they sped down the path towards them. Silver swore under her breath before pulling Max out of harm's way, letting the first car go by, the car she recognised as Jonathan's. Before there was anytime to question any further, the second car stopped in front of them. The door slammed open and Silver got a peek of Hopper in the driver's seat, pale with drops of sweat dripping down his forehead.

Silver didn't even want to imagine what had happened in there.

She helped the kids get in the back seat as Steve held open the door. He held her hand as he helped her climb inside to the back seat, before he got himself sat in the passenger's seat and slammed the door closed. It wasn't long before Hopper sped away, following suit to Jonathan's car.

Silver leaned herself forwards as she leaned against Steve's seat, looking at Hopper dangerously. She didn't want to ask many questions, noticing Hopper's discomfort and sadness from miles away. "Are Will and Mike okay?" Silver found herself crossing her fingers, praying to anyone who could hear her that the answer was yes. That whatever had happened in there had not killed any of those two kids. Because how was she supposed to tell their families? Even worse, how would Joyce take it? It would kill her to have lost Will.

Hopper glanced at her as he inhaled a deep breath, before looking back at the road. "Yeah...yeah, they're okay." Silver closed her eyes and sighed in relief, trying to calm her fast beating heart. Steve took her hand in his (for the millionth time that night) and smiled at her reassuringly.

"It's okay. They're okay."


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