13 | was I distracting you?

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WAS I DISTRACTING YOU?also known as : chapter eight - the mind flayerpart three

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also known as : chapter eight - the mind flayer
part three

Silver sat in the chair as she leaned back, Steve cleaning up her wound properly, trying to stitch it up. She bit down her lip so she wouldn't whimper in pain. Instead, she focused on Steve's face, who concentrated on doing the best he could. His hair was pushed over to a side, as he clenched his jaw, his hands moving carefully. Silver smiled softly down at him, trying to ignore the outside noises.

"I am the police!" yelled Hopper to the phone, leaning against the wall as he tried to calm himself down, trying to contact Dr Owen's team, but with no avail. They didn't seem to see the importance and danger of the situation, or just didn't seem to care enough. On the other side of the room, Nancy and Jonathan crouched close to Will's sleeping body as the latter whispered sweet nothings to his younger brother, trying to wake him up.

Hopper slammed the phone on the wall and turned towards the table to catch the four kids staring up at him in dissapointment, and a Steve crouched down as he tried to clean up Silver's wound. "They didn't believe you, did they?" Hopper sighed as he stared at Dustin, no emotion being given away in his face. "We'll see." Mike rolled his eyes, leaning back in his chair. "We'll see? We can't just sit here while those things run around loose." he snapped, while Hopper still didn't break character. "We stay here and we wait for help." Hopper mustered in the calmest he could. And with that he walked out of the door.

Steve and Silver shared a look before Steve went back to work on Silver's shoulder. Mike stood up and continued to talk to the rest of the party, as Silver turned to Steve. "You know, I could get used to this." Steve quirked his eyebrow, softly smirking at her. "Oh, yeah?" Silver chuckled, nodding. "Yeah. Maybe next time I'll injure my upper thigh and then you'll have to take my pant-ow! Steve!" Steve's cheeks turned a deep red as he stood in a lost for words, blushing hardly.

His hand had slipped and the needle had digged a little into Silver's skin, but Steve quickly fixed it and finished up the stitches. "Was I distracting you?" Silver whispered to him, thinking how cute he looked all flustered. Before she knew it, Steve's face was dangerously close, their noses were softly brushing each other as they stared into each other's eyes. Silver let out a small gasp, mesmerised in Steve's warm brown eyes, as golden speckles swam around the pupils.

"Am I distracting you?" Steve smirked, as Silver scoffed and pushed him away, shaking her head. But Steve didn't miss how she avoided his gaze or how she had turned a small pink.

But how could he resist her with her big doe eyes with her innocent look?

But what they didn't know is that another couple who had broken their hearts had watched that scene unfold from the other room with perfect detail. And while their heart ached because they regretted ever breaking Steve and Silver, they were glad that Steve and Silver had found each other and found happiness in this dark world. It's what they deserved.

"His army...maybe if we stop him, we can stop his army too." Silver and Steve broke away from their intimate moment to focus their attention (not their whole attention) to Mike, who seemed to be getting somewhere with his theories. Mike brought one of Will's drawing of the Shadow Monster and waved it around the party. "It got Will that day on the field. The doctor said it was like a virus, that it infected him."

"So this virus, it's connecting him to the tunnels?" Mike nodded, as everyone followed him with their faze. "To the tunnels, to the Upside Down, to everything." Silver pinched her eyebrows together, slowly putting the pieces together. "So if it feels pain, Will feels it too."

"So does Dart." added Lucas, confirming Silver's theories. "Like the hive mind. It controls everything." Lucas snapped his fingers together, pointing at Dustin as they both said the same thing. "The Mind Flayer." Steve, Silver and Max looked at each other in confusion.


Dustin slammed a book down and quickly flipped through the pages, having nearly memorized the location of everything in the book. Everyone had finally gathered around the table, everyone except Joyce who was still grieving her boyfriend's death. Silver didn't even want to imagine what it would be like to lose someone who meant so dear to her, like Dustin or one of the kids. Or Steve. She shook the mental image out of her mind. "It's a monster of an unknown dimension." explained Dustin to those who didn't know about DnD. "It enslaves other races by taking over their brains using its high-developed psionic powers."

Hopper sighed and rolled his eyes. "None of this is real. This is a kids' game." Dustin opened his mouth but before he could get anything out, Silver jumped up to defend him. "Look, I get this situation is shitty and you're cranky about everything that has happened. Trust me, we all are. But right now Dustin and Mike are proposing an idea and right now, it's more than whatever you're doing. Tell me, is there something you know that can help? Anything better than sitting around and doing nothing?" when Hopper doesn't answer, Silver nodded, taking a step back. "I thought so."

A few moments passed with a tense air that filled the room, as Silver motioned for the conversation ton continue. But Hopper wasn't mad at the girl. Far from it. Instead, he felt sort of proud, with a sense of respect towards her. Steve also looked at her with an air of admiration and awe. "It wants to conquer us, basically. It believes it's the master race."

"Like the Germans?" the group turned to look as Steve. "You mean the Nazis?" asked Dustin, looking at Steve increduously. Silver tried to hide her chuckle as Steve looked away embarrased, nodding. "Yeah, if the Nazis were from another dimension."

"So if this is like a brain that controls everything, if we kill it...." said Nancy, picking up the book and reading it over. "We kill everything it controls." finished off her younger brother. Hopper takes the book away from Nancy and flips over the pages without taking a proper look at it, still not fully believing this crap they were trying to sell him. "So how do we kill it, with fireballs or something?" Dustin chuckled, shaking his head. "No fireballs. With an undead army, because they don't have brains and the mind flayer likes brains..." Dustin trails off, seeing the disbelief written on Hopper's face.

"Then you could defeat it Henderson, seeing as you're brainless." Silver stuck her tongue out at Steve, who chuckled at his insult. "You would be able to help me." said Silver has a comeback as Steve fake gasped at her and nudged her over. "You can't shoot it with guns." Mike protested at Hopper, who tried to fool even himself. "You don't know that."

"You're right." all the heads snap towards the voice at the end of the hall. "We have to kill it. I want to kill it." Joyce's voice broke halfway through, staring at Hopper with hot tears burning at the back of her eyes. Hopper approaches Joyce, a soft look overtaking his face. "Me too. But we don't know exactly what we're dealing with here."

"But he does." the group's heads turn back to Mike's voice, who was staring at Will's unconscious body laying in the living room. "If anyone knows how to destroy this things, it's Will. He's connected to him and knows his weaknesses." Silver frowned, worried about what the outcome could mean to Will. "Isn't that dangerous? What if the mind flayer spies on us?" Silver added.

"It can't spy on us if it doesn't know where he is."

Okay wow, me uploading twice a week? Bitch since when? 😂😂
Very proud of myself now
So I predict there's about 3-4 chapters left of season 2 and then season 3
Finally season 3!!


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