05 | pretty please?

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PRETTY PLEASE?also known as : chapter four - will the wise

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also known as : chapter four - will the wise

Before 1983, Silver had never really feared anything. Nothing scary or worrisome ever happened to her. She lived a relatively normal life, not the same as everybody else, but if she were to write a book, it wouldn't be anything special. There was nothing fearsome or magical that ever happened in normal small towns. She wasn't truly afraid of anything, apart from trivial stuff that everyone thought they feared, but never truly thought about how it would actually be. Only the hypothetical stuff, like snakes, heights, loneliness, death. It all seemed like some far away dream, like when you would wake up and you couldn't remember the details or events of the dream.

But as soon as her brother and her friends had found the shaved girl who had gone by the name Eleven, everything had turned, quite frankly, upside down. Not that Silver could blame them for taking her in. There was something about El's innocence that made you want to protect her at all cost from the cold harsh truths of the world.

And then, she discovered along with certain other people, that a monster lived in some kind of parallel universe that Eleven had accidentally opened the gate to, and Will had been kidnapped into it. Luckily, he was found and the gate was closed, with the cost of Eleven's life. Or Silver now thought she could be alive, but what it comes to is that everyone thought it had ended. The craziness of the year before was finally behind them, just leaving some trauma and sadness, but the thought of it not coming back reassured them all.

But as Silver stared at Will's frozen body, not reacting to Joyce's desperate pleads for him to wake up, as the eyeballs under his eyelids darted from a corner to the other, Silver wasn't so sure. Every memory she had from last year, every feeling of terror and pure fear that she had never felt before came rushing back to her like an avalanche. And she just stood there, staring at Will. Will who had known her all of his life, and she had never felt so helpless. But that was a feeling she had become used to.

And as Joyce's shouts got even more desperate, as she tried to shake her son's body awake, or to at least get some kind of reaction out of him, his eyes flickered open as he took in a deep breath. And as she felt the other kids sighing in relief, her chest just tightened as she felt she couldn't breath.

She couldn't help thinking this had just but begun all over again. And it wasn't a pleasant feeling.

Steve wasn't the best at hiding his feelings. His body and facial expression just radiated whatever or however he felt like subconsciously. And no matter how many times he tried to convince himself and other people he was completely fine, everyone could see he obviously wasn't. Adding to the pressure that him and Nancy had broken up, Billy just kept beating him in basketball and now Silver hardly said two words at him, you could say Steve had some things on his mind.

But as he took a shower, the warm water cleaning of his sweat after an intense basketball practice, he just couldn't understand why Silver hadn't spoken to him today. She had plenty of opportunities to, including when Steve had walked up to her and talked to her. But she just seemed on edge, and kept looking down the hallway as if she was expecting something, her wide eyes in fear as they darted around. But Steve couldn't understand why. What was there to be afraid of?

Maybe it was something he said. Or did. I mean, when wasn't it? It always just seemed to be Steve's fault. Maybe he should have stayed the other day and helped Silver and those kids to find whatever creepy creature they were looking for. Maybe something happened, something to do with last year's events. But Steve shook that thought out of his head, the fear already creeping up his back that not even the hot water could stop him from getting goosebumps.

He felt two presences on each side of him as he pushed his wet hair back, as he watched Billy lean backwards with that smug stance of him he always had. "Don't sweat it Harrington." He called him by his last name. "It's just not your day."

"Or your week." Tommy stated smugly, as if he had said the funniest thing that anyone had ever said. "You And your princess break up for one day, and she's already running off with the freak's brother." Steve couldn't help his first thoughts to wonder off to Silver, knowing how she would punch the hell out of Tommy for calling the young Byers' boys a freak. When Steve looked down, Tommy raised his eyebrows. "Oh shit, you don't know." Tommy said, fake guilt dripping out his mouth, when he secretly was loving being able to dig another knife into Steve. "The princess and Jonathan haven't shown today. But that must be a coincidence, right?" Tommy started laughing, turning of his shower.

Steve clenched his jaw and looked away, as Billy stared at him. "Don't take it too hard, man. A pretty boy like you as nothing to worry about." Billy paused as Steve tried to ignore him, and proceeded to wash his hair. Billy leaned his face closer, his voice lowering. "I mean, I always see you with that weird girl. Silver?" He turned Steve's shower off, as he saw the anger radiating of him. "Plenty of bitches in the sea."

Billy walked away, muttering something about leaving him some, Steve tried to control his anger, taking short breaths, he hit the shower button as the hot water spouted out again, and he cleaned his hair. And once again, his thoughts wondered to Silver. There was nothing going on between them. They were just friends, who slept with each other once, but it wasn't going to happen again.


Steve walked out of the gym, quickly drying his hair with a towel as some girls stared, and gloomily made his way to his car, just as he spotted Silver walking her way outside. Steve found himself in the same position as he was yesterday, he looked between his car and her long brown curls that fell down her back. Just as he was about to put his keys into the car, he sighed as he banged his head against the wheel. And found himself driving to where she stood.

He rolled the window down and found himself grinning, already in a much happier mood. He noticed she was still tense, but she threw him a small smile as she approached the car and leaned against the window. "Hey Steve." Steve found himself comparing her voice to Nancy's, and how Silver's was much softer and caring. He shook that thought out of his head. "Hey Jess." Silver scowled, and narrowed her eyes, as Steve chuckled, and raised his hands in self defence.

"I need some help picking out a present for Nancy. You're a girl, you know about these things, right?" Silver found her smile dropping, her heart clenching in jealousy, but looked away. "Well, I've had lots of boyfriends so I would know exactly about this." Her voice was laced with sarcasm as Steve rolled his eyes, grinning. "Come on, you know what I mean." When he saw Silver wasn't getting in, he pouted.  "Pretty please?"

Silver bit her lip, looking back, before opening the car door and plopping herself next to him. She cursed herself in her mind, but it was obvious she would do that.

Because how could she resist Steve, with his chocolate brown eyes and his sweet pout.

Steve cheered as Silver grinned, and turned his radio on, and drove off, as two off tune voices sang at the top of their lungs, and found themselves having the best fun they've had in a while.

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