Chapter 4

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"Are you on break?" I asked Teddy over the phone.

It was going on 12 and nearing the end of my lunch break. I loved my babies (the kids) but I really loved the time I got away from them. Sometimes, I needed more than an hour for lunch, especially when there was a sub. When Mrs. Hall wasn't here, I turned into a full-time teacher, just without the paycheck. It was a hassle dealing with the kids and I valued the hour I got during the middle of my day. 

"Yeah. I got 10 minutes," he said out of breath. "What's up? Why you been texting me all frantic today?"

I smiled. "Well, this morning I walked into the class and I had a package. At first I thought it was from you, but it was from Yours Truly. Who ever it is sent me this really sweet note that smelled so good and this beautiful red dress."

He smacked his lips. "Get rid of that shit."

"No," I frowned. "Why? I'm just being nice accepting the gifts."

"And I should be nice and report who ever this is to the police. Damn. You can't just be accepting gifts. It was one thing that they're making us get new locks on the door but they even came to where you work. Don't you think that's a little strange?" He asked.

I sighed. "Yeah, a little. Are you sure you're not sending these?" I asked.

"Yeah. I would have told you by now if it was me. Look, you can keep the roses, the bear and the dress but that's all you can keep. We don't know who this is, this could be some perv thinking that since you accepted these gifts you're married to him or her. Shit. You don't even know if it's a nigga or a female. And you're only getting married to me."

I smiled as I leaned back against my car seat. "I know, I know."

"If you get another gift tell me, a'ight?"

"Yeah, why?" I asked.

"I'm gonna report it to the police."

I sighed. "You know the police doesn't care. They won't even report it or come out to see what's going on. You know this Teddy," I replied.

"Well we live near Beverly Hills. They'll come out, trust me."

"Whatever. Are you free on Saturday?"

"For what?" He asked.

"We have an appointment with the wedding planner. We've had the same appointment for like a month."

He smacked his lips. "I know, I remembered. Don't you think it's a little early to be planning a wedding?"

"No, it takes a lot if we want to be married by August."

"Of this year, right?"

"No, next year. I already told you that we were getting married on the anniversary of when we first got together in high school. That was in August and I'm not changing the date Theodore. Do you understand?" I asked.

He sighed. "Yeah, whatever. How long is it gonna take on Saturday?"

"Why? I already know your schedule is cleared."

"Then why'd you ask if I was busy?" He questioned.

"I just wanted to see whatyou'd say. Where else do you have to go on Saturday that's more important than meeting with the wedding planner?"

"I have a dinner to go to."

"With who?" I asked. 

"Just a friend of mine, damn. Why you acting like that?"

Yours Truly (Urban) Book 5 | The Sideline SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now