Chapter 12

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*I just realized how many names there are that start with L, so I'll clarify. 

Leroy: Shyla's Step-Dad who won't be in this book

Lester: Effrin's Step-Dad & the kids' step-grandfather

Luther: Rodney's cousin & DeMarco killed his sister



I knew before the interview was released that I was going to have to sit down and talk to Victoria about what I said. I'll admit, I was a little wrong for saying the things I said, so Hazel was right. I can't take back anything I said, so the only thing I can do is move forward, tell Victoria and just hope that she won't go off the deep end and try Mr. McDonalding me.

Surprisingly, Victoria answered her phone. She agreed to meet me at this popular restaurant. I didn't tell her what I wanted to talk to her about, and she was reluctant about that, I just assured her that it had nothing to do with that boy she's messing around with or even Charlotte. It just had something to do with the two of us.

I pushed my way through the large crowds of paparazzi and into the somewhat empty restaurant. As soon as I stepped inside, I saw Victoria sitting at one of the tables that was up against the window. She was alone, thank God. I'm surprised she didn't bring her gang banging nigga to come up here and protect her from me.

"Hey, you look good," I complimented her.

She looked up from her phone, not smiling one bit. Usually, when I compliment her she immediately starts smiling, but not this time. She just kept the same expressionless face as she looked at me through her sunglasses. I know she's pissed off but what I said wasn't a lie. She did look really good today, just like how she does every other day. We might have broken up, but that doesn't mean I still won't look at her. She's gorgeous.

She turned away from me and looked back down at her menu. "So, what made you want to have breakfast with me this morning?" She asked.

I slid into the seat across from her and watched as she read over the menu. I knew she was just trying to pass time and make things less awkward, but having small talk with somebody that used to be so important to you, is just irritating. 

"I just wanted to tell you about this interview of mine," I replied.

I wasn't stupid, and neither was Victoria. I wanted to beat around the bush with this conversation, so I planned on bull shitting it as much as possible. If she found out the truth in the beginning, before we even get to order our food, she'll cause a scene and will quickly be out of here. So, I plan on stalling as much as possible so I can just speak to her.

"What interview?" She asked.

I waved her off. "I'll tell you about it later. How have you been doing?"

"I guess you don't really get this 'breaking up' thing, do you?" She asked with one of her eyebrows raised.

I chuckled. "Nah. I do. And I don't really call it breaking up."

"Then what do you call it."

"I simply call it, taking a break. You know we're soul mates and sometimes people get pushed in th wrong direction. Sometimes all people need is a little guidance and nurturing to get them back where they're supposed to be. And sometimes people just need a little time for themselves. I know you probably feel the same way, like you want to just see what it's like to be a free spirit," I replied.

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