Chapter 6

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"I don't even wanna talk about the engagement," I told Charmaine.

A few weeks after Teddy and I went our separate ways, I wanted to get myself together before Hazel and I went out to Ice. It was a bar and lounge on the south side. I knew it wasn't safe down there, so that's why I'm bringing Hazel with me. She said her and Rob went there once and it was actually classy but the neighborhood reminded her of Compton. So, if it was like Compton then we really shouldn't be that worried.

He pulled a small piece of my hair through the flat irons as he smacked his lips. "Whatever. You know, I got niggas that will gladly beat his ass. Does Mama Bear know?" He asked, referring to my Mom.

I shook my head. "Nope. She just thinks we're arguing right now. She doesn't even know we're not living together."

"You're not?" He asked, surprised. "I thought you guys just called the engagement off."

"No, he called the engagement off and broke up with me. He left that night, so I burned up his shit and ripped up all of his clothes. He came back to the condo the next morning looking stupid," I boasted even though I was still hurt.

I seemed calm on the outside but I was slowly dying on the inside. It's Saturday morning and I haven't been to work since Tuesday. I just had to take the rest of the week off so I could get myself together. All I've been doing is bawling my eyes out. Teddy just doesn't understand how badly he hurt me when he broke up with me. I was completely invested in him, and only him, but my heart was just crushed when I heard him having sex with Charlotte.

So, instead of sitting up another day on the couch crying, I decided to take Malaysia and Hazel's advice and do something for myself. It was a surprise in itself when they both came to my side in my time of need together and not arguing. That kind of boosted my spirits there but the advice they gave me is what sent me smiling.

While Malaysia is doing her set at the club tonight, Hazel and I will be going out. They said it would be best if I got out of the condo and spent some time with some people who were around my age. They also said it wasn't good for me to just be lying up on the couch all day barely eating or even talking to anybody. And luckily Darnell's Mother came back in town before he saw me completely break down.

"You damn right he should've been lookin' stupid!" Charmaine exclaimed.

I squeezed my hand tighter around the arm of the chair, trying to hold back my tears but I laughed for Charmaine's sake. Every time I thought of Teddy, I thought about him sleeping with Charlotte or just being somewhere with her. I know that's where he's at, but it still hurts to picture it.

"Yeah, you right girl," I replied. "He's gonna come crawling back soon."

"Mhmm. They always come back, especially since they're whipped. I'm sure you gave it up. Right?"

"Yeah," I said.

"Does he enjoy it?"

"Of course he does," I clarified.

"Well he just wants to explore right now but if you putting it down and it's good he won't be gone for too long. He'll be back soon once he realizes he can't find anybody that compares to you baby. You give him head?"

I rolled my eyes and groaned, "Charmaine."

He smacked his lips. "What? Just answer the question."

"Yes, I do," I sighed.

"Oh, then he'll definitely be back. I know he won't be able to find somebody like you in a short amount of time."

"He slept with a girl just hours after we broke up," I told him.

Yours Truly (Urban) Book 5 | The Sideline SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now