Chapter 28

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I climbed out of the shower and walked into my bedroom. Victoria must be out of her mind throwing champagne on me, like I wasn't going to do the same to her. I don't know why she's been acting so crazy lately. I don't know if it's everybody's death getting to her, but she's lost her damn mind. I'll admit, I'm sad that my friends have passed away, butit's not eating away at me like it is to Victoria. Her crazy ass better be glad I don't beat women, because if I did, she would have got her ass beat tonight for dousing me with champagne. 

I sat on the edge of my bed sighing. It's like I'm constantly driving girls away. I don't know what it is, but every time I start getting close with one, something always stops us from going any further. CHarlotte and I may not have had one of the healthiest relationships but we cared for each other. She might have cared for me a lot more than I cared for her, but I still cared for her, and she just left me. And now, Victoria's gone too.

But maybe it's not me driving them away, maybe it's me picking terrible girls. In the past, I can count on one hand the number of relationships I've been in that all ended terrible. The crazy part about it is that the girl always ended up pregnant. Maybe that's a sign though; a sign that I don't need to have kids. They're nothing but trouble just like my relationships. Maybe I should just go back to my old self and just say fuck relationships, and not even get myself caught up in one.

I'm always getting hurt and could rather do without it. I'm fine sleeping with girls, and talking to my family about my problems. What do I need a girlfriend for? So I can have someone to try trapping me and taking all of my money? Obviously, my pull out game is weak, but I know I'll be using protection when I'm sleeping with random girls. My trust is what gets me all of the time. I trust too much, then end up giving the girl whatever she wants, but that stops today. I'm no longer going to let these hoes run my name in the dirt, walk all over me, or act as if I'm not a hot commodity. Millions of girls around the world want me, so what do I look like being caught up with just one when I can have who ever I want?

"Come in," I said as I looked up from my lap.

The door opened up and Ava walked in carrying two different outfits in her hands. She closed the door behind herself before walking over to my bed, climbing up on the side and laying out her clothes on my bed. I guess these were the clothes she was going to wear to school tomorrow. Ava's going back to Kindergarten tomorrow, and as nervous as I was for her, she was more excited than anything. I just hope she'll be more excited than I am tomorrow when I leave her. Her school thought it was necessary for her to take off a couple of weeks since the incident with her parents, and tomorrow is her first day back.

"Where's Auntie V?" she asked.

I smiled. "She went back to her house to get some more of her stuff."

"Oh," Ava said as she looked up at me. "Mommy always told me to lay my clothes out the night before, and I was doing that, but I don't know what I can wear to school. Should I wear the shorts on the skirt?"

I tapped my chin. "Maybe the shorts. You know they might have y'all outside tomorrow. But how long are the shorts? You know you can't wear 'em if they don't go past your knee."

"They go a little above my knee! But it's fine! I'll just pull them down so they look longer. That way, boys won't look at me."

I smirked as I gave her a high five. "Yeah, that's a good idea," I said as I looked up at her fuzzy hair. "So, what'chu gon' do with your hair?"

Ava shrugged her shoulders. "I can't do my hair Uncle T! Can you do it for me?"

I raised an eyebrow as I looked at her hair. I don't know how to do hair. Shit, I get my own hair done. All I can do is brush it, but I can't style it in those styles girls like to wear. I can't even braid hair, so how the hell am I going to do something to Ava's hair?

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