Chapter 32

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If calling Daddy is what it took to make Theodore happy, then I'd do it. I really didn't want to do it, but deep down I knew I'd have to. My original plan to tell him after I give birth is stupid. I can't hide something so important from my family, especially Daddy. My whole family deserves to know the truth, and Daddy deserves to get a call from me. I mean, I haven't spoken to him in weeks and I should be speaking to him everyday, especially after he saved Theodore and I from Luther.

"What's up?" Daddy answered his phone. "I ain't heard from you in almost a month."

"I know, and I apologize. I just had to get things settled down in my new house. I guess, all I'm trying to say is that I've been busy, not too busy for you though. I wanted to be free when I finally got a chance to talk to you. I didn't want anything to interrupt our conversation," I replied.

Daddy was silent for a moment before he started laughing. "You know, that's a damn good lie Princess. I would've expected something like that from Baby or Deonte, but not my Princess."

I chuckled. "They can be a very bad influence sometimes Daddy, but seriously, I'm sorry about not calling you. You should have called me."

"I was busy with fine ass Sincere."

"Too busy for me?" I asked.

He took a heavy sigh, but I could feel him smiling on the other end. "Nah, not too busy for you baby girl. Aye, I talked to Theodore the other day. He said he went up there to see you. What'chall do during the nights?"

I scrunched up my face, as if he could see my facial expression. "At night?" I asked.

"Yeah, what'chall been doin' at night?"

"Sleeping," I replied.

"You ain't gotta lie to me baby girl. Theodore and I had a real ass nigga conversation a few days ago and he enlightened me on a few things. I know you and him been um,, um, doing the do."

"Oh," I mumbled. "And is Theodore okay? You didn't hurt him, did you?"

"I should have, but nah, I didn't. I let his ass go 'cause it's more important shit going on than that. As long as y'all protecting yourselves and not making no damn babies, then I guess I'm fine. I just don't want to see you hurt baby girl that's all. Now, I love Theodore like a son, but I know how he can get sometimes and he does things without thinking until afterwards. And I know he loves you, but sometimes love can cause you to do crazy things. Just don't get too caught up in his smooth talking, the money, and his average looks. It might seem a'ight now, but I did that same shit to girls when I was y'alls age. I smooth talked girls to get what I wanted, and ended up hurting your Mama in the end," Daddy sighed. "I'm not trying to crush your feelings, I just want you to be safe and more aware of your surroundings. You pickin' up what I'm laying down?"

"Yeah, I'm getting it," I replied. "But Teddy's different."

"I know, but how many hoes he been with that's said the same thing? I'm not trying to push you away from him, but I just want you to be more aware Princess. Theodore's a good guy, he really is, but don't be too dependent on men."

"I'm not dependent on a man Daddy. See, I'm living out here by myself. I've always been independent, but not dependent upon a man. You and Mama taught me to be able to be independent, and I think that's what I was doing when I decided to move. It was my choice, and my choice only to move."

"I understand. Look, let's just not talk about this. Obviously, it's a touchy subject. Just be aware of your surroundings baby."

"No, let's talk about it. I"m completely aware of my surroundings, it's the only thing I can do when I'm out on my own. I have no one else to be away of my surroundings Daddy, so I don't even know why you're talking to me as if you didn't raise a woman that could take care of herself. Theodore's different, he's changed a lot and he's not like his old self. Yeah, I'll admit he can still be a player at times, but he wouldn't do anything like that to me again. He loves me. We're in love Daddy."

"Niggas like to put that shit in females' heads all the time and I refuse to let my daughter be made a fool of."

I frowned. What was with his attitude all of a sudden? I understand that he's trying to warn me about men, but I don't need much warning, and it's too late to warn me. By the time he was my age, he had been with several different women, and I understand that he knows how to play women and the things that coming with playing women, but I'm not stupid. I know when I'm getting played, and I'm not right now. Theodore really loves me and wouldn't hurt me, especially since I'm pregnant. He knows I'm fragile, so he wouldn't do anything to get me upset, start turmoil, or hurt me. 

"I just want the best for you Princess," Daddy added.

"I know, but I kind of think you're coming about the situation in the wrong way. You've known Theodore for years, and yeah he can act crazy sometimes, but you know he wouldn't do anything to intentionally hurt me so that he's on your and side. You know he's always unconditionally loved me and always will. I just wish you'd trust him as much as I can and see how good of a guy he is. I don't know if you've noticed, but he's a really good guy and he takes care of what's his."

"What's his?" Daddy asked. "He don't own you baby. You know you're a strong black woman."

I sighed. "I know Daddy. I don't mean it that way. I mean it in the sense that he'll always be there to help me out if I need it. Basically, he's got my back."

"Well that's what I'm here for."

"C'mon Daddy, you don't want me to be dependent upon a man, but you're basically making me be dependent upon you. There's a man who loves me, a lot, and I love him a lot too. When are you going to let me grow up and live? I felt like I wasn't living, and like I had no freedom. That's one of the main reasons why I left. I feel free here, like you and mama aren't here holding me back. I just wish you guys would let go some and let me live like a human being. I just want to love Teddy, but I can't with you and mama always in my ear trying to keep us apart. Yeah, we had a bad break up, but it's been five years and I can't move on. I love him more than anything in the world. I couldn't move on. I couldn't find another man. Nothing would keep me distracted from thinking about him, and he feels the same way. It's been five years. I just want to love Teddy without you guys pushing us away from each other."

"I've never pushed y'all away from each other, so I don't know where you got that shit from. I may not have always voiced my positive opinion about y'all's relationship, but I never said anything negative or pushed y'all away from each other. I'm the one who bought that expensive ass ring for him to give to you, that's sitting up in my safe. I been doin' this shit for you baby girl. I ain't been holding you back. If anything, it's you that's holding yourself back. I've been your number one supporter, always getting you out of trouble and sticking up for you when I know you're wrong, so don't come at me with that bullshit.

"I been had your back since before Sincere even had you. I can't believe you'd say some dumb shit like that to me after all I've done for you., If it weren't for me, you wouldn't have been able to pick up and leave everything behind. Look, I gotta go. I know if I stay on the line any longer I'mma end up saying some shit I'll regret. Just don't step to me with that bullshit like I ain't been here for you since day one. That's bullshit, and you know it," Daddy replied.

"Whatever, it's the truth," I said as I hung up before he could say anything else to me. I never said anything about him not being there for me. He's always been there for me, that's why I love him so much but he's been there too much. I need him and mama to let me grow up and live a little. I can't live with them constantly down my back and not letting me be free. Daddy's just in denial about the truth. He doesn't want to accept it, but I know it's the truth.


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I know it's extremely short and boring, but it's just supposed to be a filler chapter. How was it? Do you guys agree with what Effrin's saying? IS Theodore good for Victoria? Is Victoria good for Theodore? Will them repairing their relationship last? Does Theodore want the best for Victoria? Will he stick around throughout her entire pregnancy? How do you think her parents will react when they find out she's pregnant? Was Victoria disrespectful to Effrin, or did she make a good point?

Victoria's on the side.

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