Chapter 34

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Easter break couldn't come soon enough. Being away from my family, Ava and Theodore, especially, for so long was beginning to pull on my heart strings. I didn't think I'd be able to survive until Easter, but I did. Barely.

I swear I was like a happy kid at Christmas when I heard the doorbell ring. It seemed like I'd been waiting on their arrival for weeks, and now that they're here, it feels unreal. I ran down the steps and pulled the front door opened to be greeted by my family, who were all shivering and clearly unaccustomed to the cool weather here. I don't know why they're shivering with coats on. It's April, it's not even cold. I hugged and kissed each one of them when we came in contact, giving Theodore the longest hug out of the rest of them.

"I missed you," I said as I kissed his cheek. "I missed you so much."

"I missed you too ma."

"Me too!"

I looked down at the small voice that was standing below us, and smiled when I noticed it was just Ava, who looked like she lost one of her teeth since the last time I was out in California. I pulled her into a hug with Theodore and I, grazing my hand across the big afro-state her hair was in. I knew Theodore must have done this to her hair.

"I missed you so, so much Ava," I smiled.

Theodore had pulled all three of us into a huge hug and we just stood there, basking in our little family moment. Leaving California was what was best for me. My only regret with leaving was leaving Ava behind when I know I'm an important role model in her life. I wish I could have taken me with her, but I just couldn't. If I wanted to change and grow up, I needed a new environment and a fresh start.

Someone coughed, causing me to look up. It was Daddy, who was still standing outside. I let go of Ava and Theodore and allowed them to enter my home, only for me to be face to face with Daddy. It's strange and completely out of character for the two of us, but Daddy and I haven't spoken since our heated phone conversation a few weeks ago. I knew I wasn't going to be the first person to call, and I know how stingy Daddy can be when he's trying to get his way, so in the back of my mind I knew he wouldn't call me first. It's just a miracle Daddy showed up for the holiday, or else our relationship would have further decayed.

Daddy looked me up and down as I did the same to him. "I like your joggers," I told Daddy.

He scoffed. "I like yours too."

"Happy Easter."

"I hope the turkey ain't dry," Daddy said as he walked inside of my house, signifying that he wasn't as upset anymore. I know all he'll be looking for is an apology by the time he goes back home, but he'll be satisfied for now. "Missed me?"

"Did you miss me?" I asked, closing my front door.

"I asked you first."

"So? You just beat me to saying it first."

"Well you answer first."

I smiled. "Alright, fine. I missed you Daddy. There! Get the satisfaction of making me break first."

Daddy chuckled as he kicked off his sneakers. "I knew you'd crack first Princess. You know I can hold out longer than you can. I knew you wasn't gon' call me too."

"I knew you weren't gonna call me either."

"You damn right! I'm too old for them games baby girl," Daddy laughed. "You should give your old man a call sometimes. I could have died within all of that time."

I rolled my eyes. "Daddy you weren't gonna die. Stop talking like that. How've you been doing? How've you been holding up without me?"

"I've been fantastic, absolutely fantastic."

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