Chapter 9

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"Is everything okay?" I asked Nurse Kelley.

As much as I want to get rid of Theodore, I can never seem to do it. It's like every time I pull away from him, him and his baggage are always there to pull me back. Even though he's been clean and Chlamydia free for about four years, we still have to get semi-annual check ups just to make sure everything's right with us.

I hate coming to these check ups ever six months but I know if I continued sleeping with Theodore without any protection, then I was going to have to do this. It's the price I have to pay for not using protection, so I really have no room to complain about it. Usually Theodore comes here with me, to make up for how I feel about this, but since we aren't on good terms, I have to come here alone. 

Nurse Kelley nodded her head as she placed her clipboard down. "Yes. All of your test results look good Miss. McDonald. Are you still having sexual intercourse with the man you were previously with who had the disease?"

I shook my head. "No. Not anymore."

"Okay and are you having sexual intercourse with anyone else?"

"No," I replied.

This was one of the main reasons why I didn't want to get too close to DeMarco. He doesn't know about Theodore previously having the disease, and while I don't have it, it could still be possible that I might and give it to him. It's disgusting but I'm just trying to protect DeMarco from getting hurt by Theodore's bad decisions.

"Could I ask you a question?" I asked.


"My previous partner had the disease many years ago and got cured then. I know I don't have it, but is it possible for me to get my new partner positive?" I asked.

"Uhm, no. Not exactly. Since you've been clean all of these years, then you're fine but it's still good to use protection. You know the obvious reasons but you can't transmit it to your new partner."

"Okay, thank you."

She nodded her head. "You're welcome Miss. McDonald. And you know you can call the clinic if you need anything or have anymore questions. All of your papers are filled out, so you can get dressed and leave Miss. McDonald."

"Okay, thank you."

She smiled and walked out of the room, leaving me to get dressed alone. I took off the gown and got dressed in my regular clothes before I sent Theodore a text. I know we aren't together and can't stand each other but I know he wouldn't go to or even schedule his own appointment if I didn't remind him about it.

Victoria: Make sure you remember to schedule an appointment to get checked up.

I dropped my phone into my purse and walked out of the room, through the clinic's front doors and was on my way to my car when I saw Trina, or somebody that looked familiar to her. After the whole falling out she and Theodore had at Christmas a few years ago, I haven't seen or heard from her and I know Theodore doesn't have any interactions with her either.

"Trina?" I called out.

I know I shouldn't be talking to her, or near her for that matter, but I just wanted to see how she and her bad ass daughters were doing. I know they're around Baby's age by now. I just want to see if she treated them well after the divorce and the death of Theodore's father. She looked the same, from here though. She didn't look like she changed much except maybe her hair, but other than that, she looked exactly the same as how she did when we were in high school.

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