Chapter 24

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I heaved myself up off of the cold ground and pulled myself up on to the bed I was lying near. I don't know what happened to me. I don't even know how long I was out. I remember Keenon dragging me up the steps by my hair, which explains why my head aches so badly, and I also remember Randy, from high school, talking to me but that's it. Maybe I blacked out from fear, or maybe I was drugged, maybe something else happened, but what ever it is, I can't remember a thing. 

I laid back on the bed, completely exhausted, but I don't know why. It took all of my energy to pull myself up on this bed. I placed my head in the thickest part of the plump pillow to allow  the soreness to go away some as I scoped out the room for a phone, computer, tablet, or something that would aid me in my escape.

"Shit," I mumbled.

I couldn't find a thing sitting out. I know none of my friends would have my back, well the ones on the outside. I knew Theodore might, but he's no help since he's in the same predicament that I'm in. The only person I know that would faithfully help me out is Daddy. I just need something to contact him with. If he knows I'm in trouble, he'll be here in minutes to save me. Daddy wouldn't waste a minute trying to look for me, he'd make me his number one priority.

I held my head and climbed off of the bed. I don't care how much pain I'm in, I need to get out of here and get in contact with Daddy. So, I began rummaging through every draw, closet, nook, and cranny in this room but I couldn't find a phone. There was nothing here, not even dust. It's like they got this house just to have us held hostage in. There's nothing here but this bed, a closet on the side of the room and a dresser next to the bed. Other than that, the room was completely empty.

I was on my way to climb back in the bed when the door busted open. I quickly froze in the position I was in but slightly turned my head to the side. It was only Nick. Part of me was afraid since he was carrying a gun, but the other part of me wasn't too afraid. I'm just glad it's not Keenon, Randy, or that crazy Luther guy. I don't know where he gets off slapping me across my face. Daddy always told me to never let anyone disrespect me, especially not some nigga, so I did something disrespectful to him and gave him a taste of his own medicine. He deserved it for getting up in my face, calling me out of my name, threatening my Dad, and just being down right rude.

"What the fuck that bitch doin'?" Keenon asked in the background.

Nick looked back at where Keenon's voice was coming from before nodding his head towards the bed, but I stood there. I didn't know what to do. "Go to the bed," he whispered.

"Never mind, I'm 'bout to come up in there nigga," Keenon said.

I quickly climbed back on to the bed and laid down as if I was still knocked out from before. I could hear Keenon coming towards the room, so I quickly shut my eyes. I hated that I couldn't see anything but I could damn sure hear what was going on.

"Man," Nick kissed his teeth. "She ain't even doin' shit. Her ass still sleep but I'mma wake her up."

"Throw some fuckin' water on that bitch!" Keenon egged on.

I twisted up my face. Water? He can't be serious.

Nick laughed. "Nah, I got it B. I'mma give her ass a rude awakening."

"Yeah, you do that my nigga," Keenon chuckled as his voice got further away from the room I was in.

The door slammed close, I guess all for show for Keenon. "Alright! Wake yo' ass up bitch!" Nick yelled as he locked the door behind himself. "Stop pretending like yo' ass is sleep."

I scrunched up my face as I opened up my eyes like he said. I thought he'd be standing over me but he wasn't. He was up against the door, yelling at the top of his lungs, with a smile on his face. I never took Nick to be the crazy type, but I guess you never know with certain people. He could have been a phsyco and just covering it up with a good guy act to make it seem like he's not as crazy as everyone thinks he is.

Yours Truly (Urban) Book 5 | The Sideline SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now