chapter one

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Jordan's pov




"Mom I don't want to go to college!" i screamed for probably the tenth time today. "Jordan, you're not going to be able to make a living out of beauty salon tips!" she argued, throwing a plate into the dish washer. "For the a hundreth time, I'm not going to work in a salon, if you listened, you would know I got a internship starting in two weeks with some girl band, Little Mix. I've already raised all my support money and can make a living. Fashion is really what I want to do, but all you care about is me becoming a doctor or some shit." I defended. My passion for makeup and fashion and it always has been. I finally got an internship with a girl band, and travel with them on tour. This could lead to so many things and opportunities, but ever since my dad passed away last year my mom has not let me make any of my own desisions. "fine, Jordan, I am done arguing with you, I've tried to convince you, but i guess that won't work anymore." she finally gave up, after months of convincing. You could say this was the best day of my life. And, with that I stomped upstairs and started packing. I was finally leaving San Francisco, and now it was all the way to London, for my internship. I could'nt be more happy. I actually could not wait to get out of America. Sure, I had friends, but I was always the odd one out. All of my friends had boyfriends, and went to parties every weekend, but I would rather just read a book or something alone. It was quite lonely and I really wanted to get out my comfort zone. Call me crazy, but I think traveling to the UK was just what I needed for a clean start. I picked up my laptop and started emailing "Little Mix's" manager just to make sure everything was in place for my soon to be job.




My room was silent. Even in mid-june you could see a heavy fog peak through my window. I guess only in the city that would be normal. I was going around on my phone, checking tumblr, which was the only social media I was a part of. I had donw all my research on Little mix that i could; discovered on the X-factor, Perrie, Jessy, Jade, and Leighanne were the girls in the band, one was engaged to one of the dudes in One direction, and they all had very unique and modern fashion sense, ECT. I was finally ready for this change in my life. I day dreamed about my new start, until i was interrupeted by my tumblr screen dissapearing, an a incoming call popped up on the screen, it read "call from, Sienna." i decided to answer the call, just because she never really called me anymore. "hey." i said, holding the phone to my face. " Jordan! I haven't heard from you in forever." she screeched, then added, " You coming to the grad party tonight?" "Uh, no I'm kinda tired." I lied, I hated parties and was not up to getting drunk tonight, because that's what it always led to. "Please, Jordan. I miss hanging out with you, plus I heard Jared wants to hook up with you." she begged. First of all, Jared was a dick, not to mention a rude exchange student from Australia. He was smut and he was the last person I would want to get in bed with. Second, again, I do not want to go out partying when I could be at home researching and preparing for my internship. "Sienna, uh tonight..-" She inturrupted "Great! Pick you up at eight." then the line went dead. I guess I'm going. I sighed underneath my breath, blowing a peice of hair out of my face. I took close to no effort to get ready. I slipped on denim shorts, paired with a tank top and a flannel. I left my hair in a tight braid, and slipped on some converse. In an hour or so, I got a text from Sienna, saying she was here, but that meant she would be here in ten minutes. Sooner than later, she was here in her range rover, and we were off to a house filled with an aroma of beer and vodka, and ear bleeding music, that I did not like, one bit.




After 10 minutes of being at the party I was ready to leave. I was forced to take a shot of vodka, by two druken dudes and was already over the fact Sienna complained that she misses hanging out with me, when she was the one who ditched me, and is now hooking up with some random sophmore upstairs. I kind of wanted to scream, but contained myself, just two more weeks and this life was gone, forever. I turned to a druken student next to me, "Hey, wanna get me a beer?"




okay so hi! i hope you like this story so far. Should the chapters be longer or are the good? Don't worry this fanfic is not about little mix. This is just the begging, so stay tuned:) i really hope i'm using wattpad correctly.

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