chapter seventeen

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(A few weeks later)

Luke and I decided to go on a real date, in secret of course, which kind of ruined it, but I was happy to get away from Ashton and the media.
While we were in Italy, which is where we are now, Luke told me the date was a secret, so he covered my eyes with one of Ashton's bandanas.

"Luke just tell me!" I laughed, almost tripping over something.

"No it's a surprise!" Luke giggled a little, making my ears melt.

"Luke!" I whined, almost falling again.

Luke snorted, causing me to burst out in laughter, slowly falling to the floor this time, and being blind didn't help.

"I'm just gonna carry you." Luke said once he stopped laughing with me.

"Luke don't even try..." I tried to stand up and back away, but Luke picked me up and lightly tossed me over his shoulder, placing his right hand right on my ass, purposely.

"Haha funny!" I joked, and squirmed a little.

"Stop moving! We are almost there!" Luke laughed again.
I could imagine his perfect smile and bright blue eyes, and his lip ring slightly moving up as he grinned, but he would shortly bite on it.

At this moment, I really wish I could see.

These were the moments with Luke I cherished, and loved. I didn't have to worry about Ashton, or the press, or hating fans, or Luke and Our awkward sex life.
I could just be Jordan, the girl who hated doing his hair every few days and the girl who didn't have to be in love with Ashton.
I could be in love with Luke.
Even though, I wasn't sure if I was in love with Luke, I did love him. I just wasn't 'in' love with him yet.
Our last few weeks were better than the last, not as awkward as the other weak, but we still hadn't talked about it.
"Are we almost there?" I smiled, playing with the inside of my cheek, even though my face was in Luke's low back.

"Yep." Luke stated, putting me down.

"Yay, finally!" I joked, waiting for Luke to take off my blind fold.

"Oh my god." I whispered, as Luke took off the bandana.

"Luke it's beautiful." I told him, wrapping my arms around his torso.

"Not as beautiful as you." He smirked, looking down at me.

"You're so cheesy!" I laughed, pushing him a little.
"And that accent isn't helping you." I added, kidding.

"Well please forgive me, miss Jordan." Luke said dead serious, in his best American accent, which wasn't so great, causing me to fall in a misfit of laughter again.

Luke had rented a room in our hotel, that was on the beach.
There was a large window, where you could see the ocean and multiple fish swimming by.

"Luke you're adorable!" I giggled, running over to the window, admiring a puffer fish.

Over to the left of the window, there was a blanket spread out on the floor with a basket and champagne glasses.

Luke and I admired the fish, swimming around cluelessly, and laughing at the odd looking ones.

He blocked my view from the fish tank, "you're perfect." Luke grinned, wrapping his hands around my waist.

"Really? Sounds like you too me." I placed my hands on his shoulders.

"You're so hard to compliment." Luke rolled his eyes, before picking me up and kissing me lightly on the lips, slowly and passionately, which were my favorite kisses.

"I wish you and Ashton didn't have to date." Luke sighed, shoving a ravioli into his mouth.

"Same. It's horrible." I agreed, sipping my champagne.

"Well you gotta give Ashton some props."

"Why?" I asked, confused.

"Oh, I thought you knew. Well if it wasn't for him, you wouldn't be here." Luke said, sitting up more.

"Wait, what? Why?" I asked, getting aggravated and even more confused.

"Please don't get mad!" Luke retorted, grabbing my hand.

"No promises." I whispered, looking him in the eyes.

"Well Ashton broke into Darcy's email one day, God knows why, and saw her emails with you about little mix. Anyways, I was against the idea, but he thought you were hot, and made a fake email for you, and now you're here I guess." He sighed, looking sorry.

"Are you serious? He ruined my career?" I questioned, growing mad.

Luke nodded, looking down. I think he wished he didn't tell me.

"I'm gonna kill him." I said , standing up.

"No jordan. Please don't be mad." Luke said, coming after me.

"Ashton ruined my career Luke!" I told him, slowing down.

"Come here." Luke cooed, grabbing my hands.

"Look, what Ashton did was wrong. I know, but if you never came here, I would've never met such a beautiful girl, and you wouldn't be eating great ravioli in Italy." Luke laughed at the end, making me smile.

"It's like you always know what to say." I told Luke, kissing his cheek.

"Let's continue our lovely date." Luke smiled big, sitting back down, trying to pull me with him.

"Fine. But I'm killing him later."


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