chapter fourteen

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I woke up to Luke's lightly grown in stubble rubbing against my neck. I smiled to myself before opening  my eyes and taking in my surrondings. I then realized there were three very large shadows standing over us.


"Well good morning fuck buddies!" Michael screamed, waking Luke.

"What the fuck?" Luke whispered, before realizing what was happening.

"Oh shit. Don't look at her!" Luke yelled, sheilding me with his body, making me giggle slightly, then realizing the boys had just caught Luke and I sleeping together.

"Could you guys like get out?" Luke said, still on top of me.

"Uhh, yeah." Ashton almost whispered, looking at me sadly before turning on his heel and following the other boys out of the room.

"Ashton's pissed." Luke said, after the door shut.

"I know. I should probably talk to him." I agreed. Ashton and I kissed just last night, and I'm not going to lie. I enjoyed it. Ashton was a good kisser, and a good guy, but Luke was different. One minute I was pissed at him and wanted to kill him, then the other I was on full force turned on and felt like I was crushing on him like a twelve year old.

"okay. Just be careful, okay?" Luke told me, leaning down and kissing me lightly as I nodded.

This was different, Luke and I were close. It felt if we were connected as one.


I decided to get dressed and visited Ashton, I could tell he was really upset, and I felt as if I was to blame, I did kind of lead him on, so I felt like I had to talk to him, but i wanted to.

I knocked on his hotel room door, and tapped my foot nervously against the carpeted floor. It felt like forever before a shaggy haired Ashton opened the door.

"What do you want Jordan?" He asked, rudely.

"Can we talk?" I replied.

"About what, how you kissed me, then fucked my best friend? Because that was really cool!" He said, getting too loud.

"Can we just sit in your room and talk? Please."

Ashton sarcastically held his arm out, letting me in and shutting the door.

I decicded to sit on the couch, across the room from Ashton.

"So why did you fuck him?" He asked, quickly.

"That doesn't really seem like your buisness." I stated, crossing my arms.

"No, it is. Why did you have sex with Luke Hemmings?" He repeated, rolling his eyes about five times.

"Look you're not going to want to hear this..." I paused, looking down.

"That wasen't the first time we... you know." I added, embarrased now that I heard it out loud.

"When else, and why?" He said again. I wondered why he wanted to know so badly.

"It was after your first concert. I just kinda got turned on by Luke, and we had a moment and it just happened. And I regret it, I still do." I said, ashamed kind of.

"But what about last night?" Ashton asked, shakking his hand through his golden locks that were tangled.

"I don't regret that."


"He was the first person to help me, even though I told him last time we had sex, that I wasen't into him, he didn't care, he was determined to win my heart, and now I'm kind of falling for him. There is just something there, and I don't expect you too understand." I told him shyly, not really sure what his reaction was going to be.

"Actually Jordan, I do understand. I understand because the first time I saw you, I was in love. I loved how you wore your over sized nirvana shirt that almost reached your knees, and I love how you were so angry when you got here, and you wanted to be indepent. I love it when you laugh, and I fucking love the way you say Ashton with your american accent and I love it all Jordan." He alomst yelled.

His response shocked me. I didn't know what to say, or what to do or anything.

"Ashton I'm sorry." was all I managed to sqeal out.

No guy had ever just flat out said their feelings to me before, and my brain was still trying to process the compliments. How could he fall in love with me, I felt like I barely knew him.

"It's okay. If you and Luke want to be together, go ahead. I can get over it Jordan."

"I'm really sorry." I said again.

"No, were good, okay?" He insisted, smiling cheekily, but I could tell it was forced.



We had an hour before we had to get on the bus and head to our next tour spot.

"Hey do any of you guys want to go to starbucks?" Ashton asked, not looking up from his phone.

"I'll go." I told him, getting up.

"Okay let's go then." He said following me.

We were waiting in line for our drinks, when before I knew it a sworm of girls ran to Ashton.

"Hey guys." Ashton said, smiling at them.

I tried to ignore the fans and the millions of questions and pictures the girls were bombarding him with.

"Is this your girlfriend?" I heard, causing me to turn my head to the fans.

I was about to reply when Ashton grabbed my hand.

"Yes, this is my girlfriend."



heyyy sorry i feel like i should post more. Leave comments please about how the story is going. There is much more to come. You guys rock

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