chapter six

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Jordan's pov

I woke up with a pounding thump in my head, and surprisingly on the tour bus couch. A moan left my mouth, as I tried to stand up. The last thing I remembered was having a kissing contest, then going in the bathroom. That was a mistake, I must've been really drunk if I agreed to kiss those idiots, and even a bigger idiot to get drunk while on a jet leg. "Here have some tea, it helps." I heard, the voice was a whisper. I jumped a little at the noise, my brain throbbing against my skull. I tried to ignore the pain, as I sat up. Calum, I think, was to my left, trying to hand me a cup of tea. "Uhh, thanks." I mumbled, taking the english delicacy and slowly sinking into the couch. "You got a head ache too?" He asked, curving his lips over so they were touching his chin. "Worse, I think my brain wants to explode." I whisper, because if I talk to loud the room spins. Calum lghtly snikered at my comment, and then pressed his fingers into his forehead and rubbing back and forth, when he released his fingers there was a small indent mark inbetween his eyebrows. "Hello everyone!" Ashton yelled abnoxiously while walking to the lounge. "Fuck, oh shit Ash." Calum cried, bending over. My eyes rolled to the back of my brain, as it shook. "How are you not hung over as hell?" I asked him, my head still feeling like it was being tazered. "He doesn't get hung over." Calum groaned, making an ugly face at him. "Well.." Ashton replied, giving a devilish grin like satan, his dimples sticking out like nails. I often wondered how someone could have dimples that went so far into their skin.

"You really suck." I told him, only making his smile grow larger.

"And you blow... me." He laughed at himself, while I got up going to get an asprin.

I knocked lightly on the bathroom door, no one said anything so I just walked in, when is when I realized someone was in the shower, singing quite loud, but beautifully. I listened to him, the smooth words gliding through my ears, unlike the pounding ones from the lounge. I tried to be quiet. I didn't want him to know I was listening, that was a bit weird. I stood on my tippy toes, reaching for the medicine cabinet, knocking over some tooth paste on the way. It hit the luckily closed toilet seat, leaving the metal to lightly echo.

"Oh um sorry, I didn't know anyone was in here." Luke apparently said, because then he popped his head of the curtain, immedianty going back into hiding after seeing it was me.

"No, I'm sorry, I just need some advil." I studdered a little, before quickly exiting the room.




Luke's pov

My slight migrane was fading as the day grew older. We only had a recording session at six, so I had two more hours to fully recover. Calum was finally asleep, and Ashton sat next to me, doing something on his phone. "So how was your kiss with Jordan?" He leaned over to me and whispered, since Jordan was in the restroom. "Uhm alright." I lied, since it was probably a million times better than 'alright'.

"Really? That's strange considering that you were moaning her name in your sleep." He smirked.

I could feel a blush pink on my cheeks. No, he was lying, he had to be.

"Yeah whatever leave me alone." I told him, annoyed.

'Well mine was fantastic, by the way." Ashton bragged.

I could feel my teeth clenching in the back of my mouth, just about the same time my hands starting clamming.

"Shut up, I have a head ache." I complained, pushing him a little.

"Whatever you say, Mr. one sip of vodka Hemmings." He chuckled under his breath

but, I could still hear. "Okay bye guys." Jordan called from the back. Ashton and I exchanged confused glances, as he darted torwards the bus kitchen, I made a rash decision and followed him. "Where are you going?" Ashton questioned, blocking Jordan from leaving. "Because I called Matt, and we are meeting to talk, plus last night, that can't ever happen again." She said, getting quieter at the end. I admired her shy face, as chestnut colored curls framed her small face. She looked freezing, while in black pants and a long sweater looking thing, paired with a scarf and tall black boots. Not even close to yesterday's outfit. "I have to go." She said, ducking under Ashton, and left.

"Dammit." Ashtom mumbled, and looked pissed.

"Luke, I have a preposition for you."




After an hour of Ash going on about how his kiss was amazing with Jordan, and he had to know how she felt, and etc. He said, "So Luke, she seems to like you the most, ask her about the kisses with all of us." Ashton was dead serious, and sounder like a twelve year old. "Wow, you really like her?" I asked, even though I didn't care. I was only curious about why Ashton felt she liked me the best, the thought of an extremly attractive girl, liking me, caused my stomach to do back flips, but I had to act like a good friend.

"So you'll do it?" He asked.


Jordan was really something. That's all I can say. One moment I'm feeling completely whipped by her, and the next I think she's annoying and a bitch. Americans were never my favorite. They always seemed snobby and stuck up, but hey what would I know? I haven't met very many. I just didn't know how to approach Jordan on Ashton's determinated curosity, but I had time. He had a session and Jordan still was'nt back yet.

Yes, I liked Jordan, but that's it. No strings attatched, because I also hated her. So, from this point on, I am not going to get inbetween this little game the other boys had, with a girl. Who they tricked in working for us, and stalked her completley. Not for you Luke, not for you. But honestly, I wanted my concious to shut the fuck up.





hola, sorry im updating late, i was out tonight, but thanks for 70 reads woah lol. ily all and please leave some feed back? Maybe? LUKEE ILY YOU  

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