chapter fifteen

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I sat in the back of the bus alone. My legs crossed as well as my arms.

I was mad, and I hated Ashton Irwin.

It has not even two days since we were at Starbucks, Ashton and I were being questioned like murder suspects in court.

I never want to hear the sentence, 'Are you dating Ashton Irwin?' ever again.

"Hey Jordan, someone is here to talk to us." Ashton yelled from the front of the bus. We were currently stopped at some gas station in Scotland.

"What!" I screamed, annoyed.

"Uh this is Kelly, our publisist." Ashton said weirdly, walking into the back of the bus with a middle aged woman. I ammediantly straightened myself out and sat up, reaching for her hand.

"She wanted to talk to us about.. you know." He winked, causing me too roll my eyes.

After we were all situated on the couch and got settled she began to speak.

"So there is a rumor going around that you two were dating?" She said, with a dainty accent.

"We're not." I told her, trying so hard not to kill Ashton.

"Well everyone seems to think that." She replied, looking confused.

"I was kidding!" Ash whispered, elbowing me a little.

"I don't care!" I punched him back a little.

"Well, since the news was released yesterday, our ratings have doubled." Kelly said, trying to smile.

"Doubled?" Ashton's eyes grew wide, smiling ear to ear.

"So your managers and I have agreed that you too should date, in public at least, for the bands sales." She explained, and a very concerned me listening.

"What if I don't want to. I'm not into Ashton." I stated, glaring at Kelly a little.

"Then you're fired." She said bluntly.

"What!" I yelled a little too loud.

"You heard me." She said standing up.

Then out of no where, a very concerned Luke came in. "What happened? Jordan are you okay?" He said, worried looking.

"Not really." I mumbled, as he came and wrapped me into a hug.

"Wait so you're dating Luke?" Kelly spoke up. I almost forgot she was here.

"Uh... Well, it's complicated." I said, turning to Luke who was nodding.

"Well you have a movie premire tonight, so stick to the plan!" Kelly told us, before walking out of the room.

"What plan?" Luke asked, knitting his eye brows confused.


"You fuckin' shit!" Luke screamed, pushing Ashton against the wall.

"Dude stop!" Ashton cried, as I tried to pull Luke off of him.

Luke dropped Ashton, then Ashton stumbled to the ground and got back up.

"You can't date Ashton! I really like you Jordan, and that is not okay." Luke scowled, growing angrier, as he plopped onto the sofa.

"I'm sorry baby. This isn't what I want. If I don't do it, I get fired, and sent back to America, and I'll have to go to college." I sighed, falling back onto Luke.

"Jordan I'm really sorry ab-"

"No be quiet Ashton!" I yelled, cutting him off.

I was pissed, agravated, and that barely described my feelings.

"If my mom finds out, I'm screwed." I moaned.

"I don't want you to date Ashton, I want you to date me." Luke whispered.

"We'll make this work. We will still date, just privately." I sighed, kissing Luke's jaw line.

"Ah that's the worse." He chuckled.

"What is?" I laughed, confused.

"When you kiss me, right there. You're killing me!" Luke groaned, laughing again.

We were laughing together, until we remembered Ashton was there.

"Well, let's go get ready." Ashtpn sighed, getting up.

Luke knew what Ashton did yesterday, and he knew everyone thought we were dating because of the Internet, but he didn't seem to care. It was at times like this I was so grateful not to have any social media accounts.


"Are you guys ready?" I questioned, waiting impatiently outside the bus. In Scotland it was very humid, with a very light breeze. The sun was beating down, everywhere.

"Yes, we are coming!" I heard Michael scream, and not to long after the boys stepped out of the bus one by one.

"Wow, you all clean up nice." I giggled and admired how each of them were in a suit, except for Luke.

He was wearing a black button up collared shirt, paired with a red and black flannel, and his usual black skinny jeans.

The boys all matched, skinny jeans, but suits on top, which made me laugh.

"You look great." Luke whispered, coming closer to me, and lightly grabbing my sides.

"Thanks." I grinned, touching his lip ring and flicking it.

"Hey watch it!" He joked, pushing me a little.

"You suck!" I smiled, grabbing his shoulders.

"You know what I love more than that little black dress on you right now?" Luke got serious and questioned me.

"What is that?" I asked, standing up


"The thought of taking it off of you later." He smirked, walking into the limo.

Smooth Hemmings. Real smooth.

The drive to the movie premiere had to be at least an hour, and being scruntched into the limo with Luke's arm wrapped around my shoulder, plus being stuck in a tight dress was not very comfortable. As we approached the event, I had to remind Luke about fake dating Ashton because the whole car ride Luke's hand would travel up my dress.

The moment we stepped out of the limo, hundreds of people were screaming multiple things in thick accents and mumbles. The whole scene was a blur to me and I felt dizzy from the noise. I have never seen so many lights and cameras in one moment, and it stressed me out. I calmed slightly when a hand slithered around my waist, until I realized it was Ashton's and not Luke's. I tried smiling, but I wasen't sure where to look or who to smile for.

I glanced at Luke, who was sticking his tounge out cheesily for the camera, as cool as a cucumber. We quickly made quick eye contact, which made my heart sink into my stomach. He gave me a half smile before turning back into the camera.


"So how long have you guys been dating?" An interviewer asked Ashton and I. We looked at each other and Ashton spit out, "Only a few weeks." Ashton grinned, looking down at me and then placing a kiss on my cheek.

I tried to pretend and act happy, but all I could do was think about Luke.



Heyyyy!!! Sorry I haven't been very active. High school sucksss dick

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