chapter four

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Luke's pov

"Okay? I'm just going to go sort this out with Matt i guess." She said confused. As if almost on point, the bus started moving. Jordan flew around the bus, hitting the floor with a loud 'thud'. I could'nt help but scoff out loud and hold back a chuckle in my throat. "Woah are you okay?" Cal yelled, helping her up. "Yes, please don't touch me!" She screamed, obviously growing aggrivated. "Where are we going?" She added. It almost looked as if she was going to cry. Her boot covered feet stumbled, as she swung next to me on the couch. "Brighton, it's almost three hours away." Mike says, way to happy for the mood. "Why am I here? Is there any one else on this bus? THis is not what was supposed to happen! " She yells, hugging her knees to her chest on the sofa. "No just us and the driver." Ashton breaks the ice. The tension in the room was almost awkward. I sat there in a daze, staring at nothing, my mind was curling around all the thoughts in my brain, and trying to figure out the incredibly beautiful stranger sitting next to me. I almost felt bad. She had plans, she did'nt want to be here and the look on her face was unbearable. As my eyes were brought back to reality, she was turning her head around, examining the boys and I, and where she was. Her hazel eyes shimmered in confusion, and i could see small tears forming in her eyes. "Who even are you guys?" She questioned, a bit rudely. Michael gasped over dramatically. "We're five seconds of summer." Calum replied, laughing at Mike. She furrowed her eye brows and bit down on her bottom lip. "Erm, do you guys sing the song about the underwear?" She asked slowly, sounding uneasy. "Yeah that's us!" a goofy smile grew on Ashton's face, never taking her eyes off Jordan. "And your names?" she spit bitterly. "I'm Ashton.' "I'm Calum." "and I'm Michael." he beamed at the sight of a living, breathing, real female in front og him. Jordan whipped her head around, barely missing my face with her long ponytail. "And you?" she said. looking straight at me, making me a little nervous. "I'm uh, Luke." I said almost to quickly. "You don't sound to sure about that.' She joked, alomst smiling, which made me smile. "So is there any way I can get to Little Mix?" She asked us, with high hopes in her face. "No, they left for Scotland this morning." Ashton lied. Her head angles towards the ground. "This is'nt happening." She groaned. "I need to sleep, where can I?" She asked, which almost annoyed me. The other boys all screamed over each other saying she can sleep with/next to tem. The look on her face was priceless, she was over whelmed and it almost made me feel guilty, for a girl I did'nt know. "Uh I'll just show you." I finally was able to choke out. She mouthed me a 'thanks' and I nodded slightly. She gathered her things and I showed her where the bunks were. "Why are the others excited I'm here. I really not happy to be here, no offense." She told me. "I don't know, maybe its your american esence." I joked, which made her hardly giggle. "Yeah i don't, uh thanks." She said, and climbed into the top bunk above Ashton's. The way she smiled with her mouth closed made me tense up, she was edgy and her attitude was very snood, and It was intriging at the same time. My vision was drawn to her body, as she struggled to climb up the bed. I figured I'd let her rest and struggled to walk away.

I rejoined the lads, and returned to my spot on the couch, picking up a rolling stones magazine. I decided to listen in on the boys. "Did you see her arse?" Cal laughed, as the others we trying to hide their agreement. Although it was true, I ignored them as best as possible. "So which bed, mine?" Mikey asked, batting his eye lashes. I rolled my eyes at his remark. "No, above Ash." I told them, as I saw a smirk grow onto his cheeks.

Once again, I rolled my eyes, while playing with my lip ring, by biting on it lightly. That was unfortunatley my bad habbit, and was more a insecurity than anything else. "Okay mates, just let me make a move first, I found her." Ashton claimed, which started a extremly annoying argument between Ash, Mikey and Cal. Their voices drowned on as I completly zoned out. As they spoke it was ruffled, almost fuzzy. My mind had travled somewhere else, but then i forced my self to return to the bickering band. "It's kinda obvious she does NOT want to be there, I told you this was stupid." I almost yelled at the boys. They were annoying as hell, about a stranger. I decided to post a picture of them fighting on twitter and caption it, "@Luke5sos: These annoying assholes won't stop fighting about Mrs. All American." I thought it was clever, and so I posted it. Letting the boys words slur again as I zoned out.




Jordan's pov

This sucked. I still had no clue how I ended up on some boy bands bus. This was so cliche. I wanted to scream and jump off the back of the bus. I did'nt like this, not one bit. I had everything planned out, I had so many ideas.. for a girl band! And, these guys were cute, sure, but obnoxious. One who had to be at least a foot taller than me, with a lip ring, was weirdly quiet. His blonde hair peered of this hair, adding another four inches to his height. Honestly at first I was jealous of him, because he had better legs than me. But I mostly admired his "Young Misfits" shirt, with way too many holes. This band was attractive, no doubt about it, just maybe not my type.

I woke up from a short nap, realizing that it is very hard to sleep in a moving bus. My legs lingured off the bed, I had to hop a few feet down to reach the floor. My eyes were still droopy and I was unbelievbly tired still, but I decided to go back to the couch in the back of the large tour bus. "Uh hi." I said, reaching the boys, who were tied up in some video game. I felt out of place, not sure if I should sit down, so I decided to sit straight on the edge of the sofa. After a few seconds of complete awkard silence, Michael I think it was, broke the ice. "So Jordan, tell us about you." He grinned. "What do you want to know?" I asked, sighing heavily. Ashton decided to speak, "Hm, Height? Age? Relationship status? Favorite color? Favorite animal? Kissing or hugging? and where are you from?" He said, in one breath. My eyes opened widely, and I took a deep breath. "Hmm.. 5'4, 18, single, uh blue, penguin or turtles for sure, both and San Francisco." I gleamed, feeling somewhat confident for the first time in the UK. "Wow, I'm impressed. You are very interesting." Ashton smiled, exposing his deep dimples. I laughed as a giant curl fell onto his forehead. "I'm really the opposite of that." I admited and watched their video games. Hm.. boys. Never had brothers, or a lot of guy friends so this was all new, and this could ruin my summer. Not what I had planned.





hey guys, super long chapter consisting of 1300 words. I hope you guys like it, and please keep reading, because it means a lot. UM i changed the cover because I'm planning things:)

Plzz vote and comment I guess.

I want more people to read this, because i enjoy writing it.

Thanks.. uh I got a lot to do so byee.

I also apologize for any gramatical/ spelling errors because i have no spell check ily

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