chapter ten

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Jordan's pov

Now I was screwed. I sat in the back of the tour bus alone, thinking. Mostly regretting, but thinking as well. Yes Luke was attractive, and there was obviously something physical between us, but I just lost my virginity to a boy I haven't even known for a week. It wasn't bad, I actually enjoyed it, but that's why I had to end whatever was going on. It was obvious that if the boys found out Luke and I slept together, they would be furious. That could harm Luke's carrer and my future. I could see the head lines now,

"Luke Hemmings, Australian superstar gets caught sleeping with his hair stylist."

I hated living with four boys, I hated this job, but this was my ticket out of San Francisco, and this was my short cut to the fashion industry, and I needed it.

I was in desperate need for an escape from life, getting away from my drunken past. I needed to move on from my mother, and prove I could make it and I didn't need her wing of protection.

Luckily, Luke was able to sneak the boys out of here without them seeing me. Now the only thing going through my head was the senarios if the boys did catch us. The boys were out at a recording, so I was stuck on the bus, alone, letting me drown in my scary thoughts.


Later on the boys came back, and I did my best to ignore them. I was imbarrased and even though the other boys didn't know about Luke and I, but I felt exposed, like I was being judged. The day lingured on, while I was counting down the minutes until it was over. I lie on my back on the couch, staring at the crappy ceiling belonging to the tour bus, when a giant shadow covered my veiw of the plaster.

"Jordan, we need to talk." The shadow said concerned, which was Luke.

I decided to sit up, making room for him, and then I gave him a slight nod, sinking back into the sofa.

"Jordan, I don't know how to tell you this, but uh last night, I forgot to use a condum." He told me, so awkwardly. I wanted to laugh, but I held it back, knowing it would be upsetting.

Luke's face grew purple and he played with his thumbs.

'Luke, calm down. My mom is a nurse, I've been on birth contoll since I was fifteen." I smiled, and the boy let out a sigh.

"Thank god." He said quickly, finally relaxing.

"While were talking, I don't think we should continue us, or whatever it is." The way I said that sounded so cliche and rude, and I soon regretted it.

"Oh. Why?" He paused inbetween his words, stil sounding calm.

"I don't want the boys finding out. Luke I like you, trust me, but I can't let myself get in the way of your career, It's not fair to you." I stated it slowly, making sure every word of mine was clear, concerned of this outcome.

"Dammit Jordan. You really don't make it easy." Luke gritted through his teeth, looking at me, his eyes full of concern.

"What do you mean?" I asked him, confused at this point.

"First of all you were all over me last night, and fuck all that happened. Then you're the sweetest and most sarcastic person ever, and it really doesn't help that you're hot as hell. You can't do this to a guy." Luke laughed while finishing. I couldn't help, but smile.

'I'm sorry." Was all i managed to spit out.

Luke stood up, now towering me. "You may not want something, but I won't stop fighting for your heart. I hope you know that."



this is so bad gahhh

messing around with fate || Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now