chapter eight

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Luke's pov

It's been three days since Jordan came home crying. She hasen't really been talking to anyone. She'll come out of her bunk to get food, then return to her bunk. It's understandable, she was touched by a thirty year old man, but she won't even talk to any of us, even me. I'm kinda worried about her though, maybe it was time to grow a pair of balls and talk to her, I guess none of us have made much of an effort to make conversation with her, between photoshoots and recording sessions. Well, except for Ashton, who I think scares Jordan for the most part.

I decided to attempt to check up on Jordan, even though I was getting annoyed at her anti-socialness. I knocked lightly at the slight wall space between bunks. "Uh Jordan?" I whispered, getting a little worried.

"What?" She snapped, harshly.

"Can we talk?" I asked.

"Where are the others?"

"They went out to eat." I told her, since we were stopped for the day, and still in Brighton.

She slowly slid her curtain open, revealing a makeupless self, in sweats and the same nirvana shirt, in the first picture I ever saw of Jordan. I noticed her matted hair, which was thrown uo in a knot on her head. She was still beautiful though, and looked innocent and in peace. She had no signs of crying, which was good, I guess. Her small head popped out of her bunk before looking around the bus, making sure it was really empty. Her legs soon slid over, and dangled off the bed. I let out a hand for her to grab, except she didn't take it, and hopped down, but I caught her before she hit the floor, craddeling her like a baby. In that one moment we didn't say anything, and I thought we were going to kiss, but I let her down to the ground, I almost wish I didn't. Her small height was now compared to mine as she stood up.

"What did you want to talk about?" She questioned, avoiding eye contact, starring at her feet.

"Uhm how are you, uh doing?" I stuttered, I didn't want to make her upset.

"I'm okay. I've just been isolating myself, everything from the last few years and days have just been coming back." She said, almost as a whisper, her face kept still, not showing emotion.

"Like what?" I asked again, hoping I wasen't crossing a line.

"Well last year my dad died, my controlling mother and just I don't even know. I'm just over thinking highschool and this creepy australian kid, and my carreer and future. I'm just not sure anymore." She sighed and looked at me again, finally.

"I really hope I'm not that creepy Australian guy." I tried to make her smile, and it worked. She laughed, and slapped my arm.

"Well, you're one of them." she joked, and I gasped like a little kid, finished by fake crying.

"I-I'm sorry about you're dad." I added, feeling bad again.

"It's okay. I mean, I miss him, but we didn't exactly get along." She admited.

"Oh, I'm sorry still." I replied

"Hey, I'm sorry for being such a downer. Let's do something." She beamed, smiling again, which made me happy.

"Like what? I have a show at Eight tonight though?" I said.

Her eyes widened, "Well, I'm gonna shower, then you should show me around the Arena, where you're playing." She grinned.

"You're you're coming?" I said, a little surprised.

"Well I kinda have to, I am still the intern." She teased. "Plus, I've never heard really any of your music, so it'll be fun." She added.

"Sounds great." My cheeks turned red, I could feel it. I was getting a little clammy and felt nervous for the show, maybe because it was the first one of this tour, but I was worried for some reason, but I didn't like Jordan, I promised I wouldn't.

"Thanks again." Jordan smiled. "For not caring."

I felt a smirk appear on my face. "It was no problem."




Jordan's Pov

Luke pulled me around the arena, pointing out the dressing room and picking up all the insturments and explaining random things to me, which was goofy and almost made me forget about all the worries and thoughts twirling through my head. Tonight was the first night I actually had to work. I mean, help with wardrobe and hair for the boys. I was nervous to mess up in front of all these professionals and I started biting my finger nails again. I haven't done that since the seventh grade. All I knew was that whatever I did, determined my future in fashion, and I couldn't reck that.



"Luke I don't know what I'm doing." I whispered, as I ran my fingers through his hair. "How do you usually do it?" I asked him, us both laughing at me.

"Uh, just take the blow dryer and brush it upwards." Luke told me.

I listened, and did so. It didn't look right. It was sticking straight up instead of quiffed.

"Thanks, I'm even taller now." He snorted, and I bursted out laughing.

He ran his hand through his hair, and then brushed the front back.

"I know its kinda Ashton's thing, but put this on." I smiled, handing him a bandana.

"Thanks." He laughed with me. "I like it Jordan." he said, making me blush a little.

The main hair and makeup person, Lou came over. "What's this?" She sneered, her voice making me cringe.

"I tried something." I said really quiet.

"I hate it. RE-do it!" She demanded. I felt my face frown and I locked my gaze to my feet.

"I like it, and it's about me right?" I heard a voice say. My eyes widened as I looked up and saw Luke.

Lou then walked away frustrated.

"Thanks Luke."





I suck, gaw. This ending was horrid, uh I'm sorry. Thanks for reading it will get better ..

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