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Tag warnings: Implied Rape. From my perspective it's more of dubious consent but some of you might find it triggering since y'all don't read the tags before coming over.

The smell of sweat and love making persisted effortlessly in the air surrounding the two entangled bodies. Moans emanating with drops of perspiration stuck over their sheer skin, as the taller man withdrew his person from the smaller one, falling onto his soft, cotton like pillow, exhausted through the festivities of the day and absolutely drunk more than necessary.

It hadn't taken more than a few seconds to let sleep overtake the clear Alpha Dominant when he fell aside after doing the deed with the most closest person he had in his life. His beta, commander, Prime Minister, courtier, people had given him several names, both demeaning and unworthy but to him, he was just Louis Tomlinson. The only Beta who had credibility in his vision, the Beta who was probably higher in hierarchy than any other Alpha in the Kingdom of Imperium. You could actually say that he was closer to him than any of the Alpha Emperor's own wives.

He didn't have a designation but he didn't need one, he was with the King. The leader. And his word was law.

Due to this, it didn't explain why the Beta was shedding tears profusely, staining the lovely burgundy satin on which he placed his head.

Looking back at Harry, assuring he was asleep, Louis raised himself up from the mattress. He wiped the tears and clenched the soft material in vexation of the occurrence. In the six years of his service as the King's most trusted man, Louis hadn't felt this humiliated. He had bedded the King so many times since the curly haired man had freed him from the service of the former Emperor who often mistreated him in the light of a slave but this was the first time, the man he owed his existence to, treated him nothing different than one

As soon as Harry had asked for him during the unneeded celebration for the victory over the province of Alba Reginae, he actively refused to bed him but the King had nothing of it and threw himself at the Beta. Every human who was present in the inner chamber of the Kingdom was aware this was a defeat masked in the glory of success.

Six months prior, an odd looking astrologer approached the Emperor and lured him into the beauty of the Queen of Reginae. He had promised him that whosoever would would obtain the rare Beta Queen, since most of the Alpha Emperors took Omegas as their significant others not Betas for obvious reasons, would reign over Cynthia. The abnormally suspicious man had actively convinced the Alpha to go to war with the place both for the Queen and for the flourishing province filled with riches. Harry being the mad man he was, uncharacteristically agreed to him. For being so highly skeptical on everyone's intentions, he took up the offer of war pretty easily. Louis was still apprehensive on how that came to be. Which was when the war began, although he tried to cajole the Empress and Emperor of Alba Reginae into coming to the Capitol of Imperium but the King had violently shut it down and indirectly challenged war and for the type of person Harry Styles, the King of Imperium was, his ego was gently tugged on, which was not tolerated by the dominant in any manner.

The war had been taxing. A ridiculous game of cat and mouse which ultimately ended in the suicide of the Queen. It had been a staggering defeat for the man. His ego, self-respect and arrogance had broken into shambles. An Alpha and one like Harry Styles who had killed for his reign over the throne and allegedly snatched it from his uncle had been rudely not given something his fickle mind desired and that angered him to the ends of the world. The woman had killed herself rather than handing her person to the overly dominant disgrace of an Alpha.

And the Alpha had averted his normally chatty behaviour to the confines of silence because of the defeat he faced. Eventually, Harry had snapped out of his misery and wanted to throw a celebration for the recently acquired victory where he drowned himself in alcohol and finally when he had stumbled into his quarters had asked for his Louis' presence who hadn't taken part in the celebration at all.

No sooner had Louis presented himself than Harry had dragged him to bed. He was mortified, this absolute excuse of a nut-whack job had the audacity to even consider forcing the him into having sex with himself even though the cerulean blue eyed man clearly specified he refused to consent to this interaction. Granted, he was drunk but Louis refused to be a rebound, that went beyond the unspoken line which had been drawn in the presence of both of their wills. And now Harry had crossed it, without qualms whatsoever and the mere factual statement that Louis' body was accepting it made him feel even more revolted resulting the tears which stained his cheeks harshly.

Retrieving his clothes and quickly sliding into them, he hurried over to his very own chambers which the King had so charitably handed to him.

Amidst the glycerine like tears, he quickly took the few essentials he had packed for spending his heat. It was necessitated that he had to flee the stoned palace walls before everybody would receive news that he was not only a consort of the King but also an Omega. Stepping into the cascade of starlight, he quickly distanced himself from the palace and his heart.

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