Sudden Mood Change

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        (Clara's P.O.V.)

        "I am so excited, Luke! I've never been here before." I exclaimed, squeezing his hand in excitement. We were currently buying tickets at Disney World so we could enter the park. We decided yesterday that we had to come here since it was 'a staple for every trip to Florida.' Luke said that when he came to Florida when he was younger, his parents brought him and his brothers here and they all loved it, so we had to come here. I was beyond excited, and that was starting to sound like an understatement. 

        "I know, babe. I'm excited too." Luke laughed at my giddiness as we took our tickets off of the counter and walked through the main gates.

         I gasped at the sight in front of me. Kids were running around with their parents, different characters were walking around greeting people and taking pictures, rollercoaster carts zoomed by on their tracks, and you could literally feel the joy course through your body. Everyone you saw had a smile on their face, no matter how old or young they were. 

        "So where do you want to go first?" Luke asked, smiling down at me. 

        "I have no idea." I replied, laughing slightly as I looked around more. We had already begun walking around, with Luke telling me places that he went and things he remembered. I found myself smiling at his cute little stories he told about rollercoasters and kiddy rides and meeting Mickey Mouse. He looked so happy as he was talking animatedly about his experiences and I never wanted him to stop. 

        "And then," He paused to laugh, his eyes squeezing shut. "The guy behind us was screaming like a four year old and he was like forty. By the time it was over I swear I saw tears in his eyes." 

        "Luke, that's awful!" I slapped his arm lightly, laughing along with him.

        "But it was so funny!" He wiped under his eyes, still laughing softly.

        "Okay, okay it was funny." I agreed, my eyes growing wide as I spotted something off in the distance.

        "Luke, what's that?" I asked, pointing to a building with a guitar on the front.

        "Rock n' Rollercoaster." He replied, looking down at me.

        "Have you been on it?" 

        "Yeah, it was cool. Do you wanna go on it?" He asked, causing me to nod my head and smile. It sounded interesting and I could hear music playing from the building even though we were kind of far from it.

        As we walked up to the building, I saw the length of the line and frowned. "Luke, the line is so long for this." I whined.

        "Waiting in line is part of the fun though, babe. It might be long, but it builds excitement." He smiled, trying to convince me. He pulled me over to the back of the line, grabbing my free hand in his. He laced our fingers together, swinging our interlocked hands between us. "Now we just have to wait."

        "How long do you think we'll have to wait for?" He leaned back, looking towards the front of the line.

        "Um, maybe like half an hour?" His response came out as a question rather than a statement, making me sigh.

        "Are all of the lines this long?" I asked.

        "Pretty much. Especially since it's the middle of summer." 

        I frowned, pouting up at him. He leaned down, kissing my lips lightly then pulling back, a small smile on his face. I felt a small blush creep up my neck and I looked away from him.

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