Never Again

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         The feeling I got in the morning when I woke up was probably the same feeling people get when they are sent to the depths of hell.

         When I opened my eyes, I couldn't think of anything other than the splitting headache that was causing me to groan and cover my face with my hands. My stomach felt worse than it did last night, my nausea making it hard to even breathe without the fear of puking. When I rubbed my eyes, my hands became covered in black from left over makeup. I squinted my eyes, looking over on the nightstand and smiling slightly when I saw the water and medicine there from last night.

         Last night. What even happened last night?

         I pushed the question from my thoughts, grabbing the glass of water and taking a sip, then swallowed the two pills and laid back down. I looked over at Luke, only to find him still passed out, his breathing sometimes becoming light snores that made me wince. It seemed like everything was amplified right now. If someone whispered to me, it would probably sound like they were talking normally. And the light that was shining on me from the window was making me want to crawl under the darkness of the covers and never leave.

         I stood up slowly, placing my hand on my forehead when I felt myself get dizzy. While I was walking to the bathroom, I truly felt like I was going to puke all over the floor. I quickened my pace, almost tripping on nothing as I practically dropped in front of the toilet, emptying my stomach. I felt tears spring to my eyes as I coughed, absolutely loathing how I felt right now.

        "You're okay, Clara. It'll be over soon." I heard a familiar voice whisper. I whimpered, wiping my mouth on the back of my hand and leaning my forehead against the cool ceramic. I felt a few tears slide down my cheeks as I sat on the floor. My head literally felt like it was throbbing and I just wanted to sleep and make everything go away. I let out a choked sob, clutching my stomach. 

        "Shh," Luke cooed. "It's okay." 

        "It hurts." I whined, leaning forwards more.

        "What hurts?" Luke asked, rubbing my back.

        "Everything." I groaned. 

        Luke sat down beside me then, pulling me into his lap. He kissed the top of my head, letting me rest my head on his shoulder. "Can I do anything to help you feel better?" 

        "Can we just go and cuddle?" I asked, looking up to see Luke nod. He stood up first, then picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms found their way around his neck. I buried my head in his neck, closing my eyes. Luke leaned down then, flushing the toilet. The loudness made me whimper, and I felt Luke's hand make its way to my back, rubbing small circles into it. When we walked into the bedroom, I was placed on the bed, then covered by some blankets. Luke walked to the window, pulling the blinds and curtains so that the room became darker and I sighed, the pain in my head not as strong. After closing the door, Luke laid down beside me, pulling me into him. I smiled, letting my eyes close. 

        "Do you need anything else babe?" Luke whispered. I shook my head, kissing his cheek. 

        "Are you feeling as shitty as I am?" I asked. 

        "I don't feel great, no. But I am pretty sure I feel better than you do." Luke replied and I nodded, looking over and seeing that the two pills on his nightstand were still there. 

        "Why didn't you take your medicine?" I whispered. 

        "I don't think I need it. My head doesn't really hurt very badly."

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