The Right Time

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          Throughout the entire time that Luke and I were eating, I couldn't stop thinking about what my reward might be. I kept glancing at Luke, only seeing an unreadable expression on his face. 

        "You alright, babe?" He asked, making eye contact with me for the first time since we got in here. 

        "Yeah, yeah I'm fine." I said, brushing my hair out of my face. 

        "Are you sure? Cause you keep looking at me weird." He said and I blushed, looking down at the table. 

        "Yeah. I'm just trying to figure out what my reward might be." I said casually, looking back up at him to see a small smirk on his face.

        "You're not gonna let this go, are you?" He asked, a small laugh escaping his lips as I shook my head from side to side. 

        "You can't blame me for being curious." I said, placing my elbow on the table and propping my chin up on my hand. 

        "No, I can't," He said, then paused. "But I'm not telling you." 

        "Lukey," I whined, dragging out the 'ey.' I reached out and poked his cheek but he just laughed. 

        "No babe. Not right now." He smiled, grabbing my hand and lacing our fingers together as we finished eating. Once we were done, we walked to the car in silence. When I got into the passenger side of the car, I buckled my seatbelt and then crossed my arms over my chest. I looked out the window, hearing Luke close his door as he got in. 

        "Clara, are you alright?" Luke asked, laying a hand on my thigh. I moved my leg to the side, letting his hand fall onto the seat.

        "I'm mad at you." I said, keeping my head turned to look out the window. 

        "Why are you mad at me?" He asked.

        "Because you won't tell me what my reward is." I replied.

        "Clara, I would tell you, but it's not the right time. You can have your reward a little later, okay?" He said, his voice sounding like he was trying to make an agreement with a toddler. 

        "Fine," I said. "But I'm still mad at you." 

        "Babe, please don't be mad at me." Luke pleaded, his voice sounding slightly whiny. 

        "But you won't tell me what my reward is." I said, my voice sounding just as whiney.

        "Because I can't right now." He said. "Clara please look at me." 

        I turned my head towards Luke to see him pouting; his lower lip sticking out. 

        "Luke, stop pouting." I said, trying to keep the smile off my face from how cute he looked. 



        "Because you're mad at me." 

        I sighed, leaning towards him and pressing a soft kiss to his lips. When I pulled back, he smiled.

        "I guess I'm not mad at you anymore." I said, my face only a few inches from Luke's. 

        "Good." He smirked, reaching up and cupping the side of my face before firmly pressing his lips against mine. I immediately brought my hands up, tangling them in his blond hair. He reached down, pulling the lever that would slide his seat back as he pulled away from me. He wiggled his eyebrows at me as I laughed, climbing over the middle console and placing myself down so that I was straddling his lap. I leaned down, connecting our lips once more, letting my fingers run through his hair as I did. I felt his hands slide down my back, landing on my bum. He pulled me closer to him, closing any space that was between us. He licked a line across my bottom lip and I opened my mouth slightly, feeling him slide his tongue into my mouth. He bit down on my bottom lip and I moaned quietly, feeling him smirk against my lips. He pulled away after a moment, attaching his lips to my neck and leaving a trail of sloppy kisses along my collerbones. He sucked softly at the skin just above where my collerbone meets my neck, biting down before sliding his tongue along the spot. I whimpered, feeling a slight stinging sensation on that spot. Luke pulled back then, pressing a soft kiss to my lips then resting his forehead on mine.  We smiled at each other, or breathing heavy. Luke's eyes were shining, and all I could see in them was joy, imagining mine were the same way.

          "I love you, Clara." Luke whispered, bringing his hands up to intertwine them with mine.

          "I love you too, Luke." I smiled, leaning down to rest my head on his shoulder. "Can we just drive like this?"

          "As much as I would love that, I don't think it's very legal." Luke laughed, releasing one of my hands to rub my back. Even though it was only the middle of the day, I began to feel tired. I closed my eyes, snuggling more into Luke's chest as I let out a content sigh. He wrapped his arms around my frame, rubbing his hands along my arms and back. He pressed a lingering kiss to the top of my head and I smiled. He ran his fingers through my hair, combing through all of the tangles. I stayed the way that I was, snuggled into his chest, my head turned to the side rested on his shoulder. I mindlessly drew small shapes onto Luke's chest with my finger, keeping my touch light and delicate.

          "Clara?" Luke whispered.

          "Yeah?" I whispered back, picking my head up to look at him.

          "Where do you want to go now?" Luke asked, and I thought long and hard before answering.

          There were so many possible answers to this question, especially since we were literally just wandering around the country, stopping whenever we saw something interesting. It felt like I had the world in front of me and I could see anything I wanted. We were still somewhat on the east coast,  and we had a long way to go before we couldn't drive west anymore.

          "I don't really care." I said simply.

          "Really?" Luke asked, looking a little excited. I nodded my head, a small smile making its way onto my face.


          "How much longer do we have?" He asked, his eyes saying between mine.

          "I don't know." I laughed, wondering what could possibly be found through Luke's mind.

          "I guess it doesn't really matter,  does it?" Luke laughed.

          "Not really." I giggled, my laughing increasing in volume as Luke pulled me forward, pressing his lips to mine.

          "Clara there's so much we could do!" Luke exclaimed, pulling away from me. "It's like, we could do anything we have ever wanted to! There's no one here to stop us," He pressed his lips to mine quickly before pulling away again. "We have the whole world in front of us, baby." He smiled, lowering the volume of his voice and pressing his forehead to mine. "We can do anything we want to. Just the two of us."

          "Just the two of us." I smiled, watching the corners of Luke's lips turn up in a smile as well. He pressed his lips to mine one last time, only he was much slower this time. I took in every aspect of this moment, trying and hoping to remember everything from the way that Luke's lips were moving passionately against mine to the feel of his soft hair getting tangled in my fingers. I felt truly content in this moment, the way that everything was. I knew that the minute we crossed back into my hometown that I would be back in hell, and that all of my problems were going to be just as shitty when I got back. Right now though, none of that mattered. Right now, all that mattered was being with Luke,  travelling the country with all of the time in the world.

          "Just the two of us." Luke whispered one last time, his blue eyes shining brightly.


A/N: Hi guys! Sorry I took so long to update, school is making me really busy. So this is kind of a filler chapter, but I promise it is going to get good soon. 

I probably will only be able to update on weekends but I will try my best to update as much as I can. 

Thank you all for reading and voting and commenting. Please never be afraid to leave feedback and opinions and stuff. I love hearing from you all! :) 

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