The Hospital

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        (Luke's P.O.V.)

        When we pulled up to the hospital, I didn't even wait for the car to fully stop before I opened my door, running out and slamming the door closed. I sprinted inside through the front entrance, going straight up to the front desk. I could tell I startled the woman behind it, but I didn't care. I had to find Clara.

        "Was there a girl by the name of Clara that just got brought here from a car accident?" I asked, panting slightly.

        "Yes, there was." She replied, her eyes still wide from being startled. 

        "Where is she?" 

        "Sir, you need to calm down." She said, looking at me like I was crazy. "No one is allowed to see her though until we get the okay from the doctor. Then only family can see her until tomorrow."

        "No, no no no, I have to see her now." I began to panic. What if she had to get surgery or something? I needed to know she was okay. 

        "I'm sorry, sir. You're just going to have to wait over there for now." She pointed towards the waiting area, giving me a sad look.

        "No, you don't understand!" I yelled, my eyes watering. "I have to know if she is okay." 

        "I promise to let you know how she is as soon as I find out, okay?" I nodded, walking towards the chair farthest from the desk and collapsing in it. This was all my fault. If I hadn't been such an asshole, she wouldn't have gotten into that car. She wouldn't have finally called me back just for me to yell at her more. None of this would have happened if it wasn't for me. 

        "I'm such a fuck up." I muttered into my hands, letting silent tears slip out. I pulled my phone out, unlocking it and seeing a text from Ashton. 

        "Hey Luke! How's the trip so far? You feeling better?" He wrote.

        "No." I typed, my thumb hovering over the send button before finally pushing it, wiping under my eyes.

        Not even a minute later, Ashton's contact came up on my phone. I pressed the green 'accept' button, pressing my phone to my ear.

        "Hello?" I squeezed my eyes shut as my voice cracked.

        "Hey Luke. What's wrong?" He asked, his voice sympathetic.

        "Ashton, I fucked up." I whispered, a soft sob slipping out.

        "What happened?" He sounded more urgent, but still concerned.

        "C-Clara got in an accident. I was an ass and s-she left. She called me- she was in the car. One minute we were yelling at each other and then I heard brakes. I called her name through the phone but all I heard was sobbing. Ashton, she could be dead right now and it's all my fault!" I was a wreck by now, sobbing into the phone. 

        "Luke, calm down. This isn't your fault." 

        "Yes it is! I caused this! She wouldn't be here right now if I wasn't such a douchebag!" I yelled, hearing a sigh on the other end.

        "Do you know where she is right now?" Ashton asked.

        "No. And I probably won't know until tomorrow. It's killing me Ash, I'm a horrible person." I sobbed, resting my head in my free hand.

        "Luke, listen to me. You are not a horrible person. This was caused by both of you. Don't blame this all on yourself. We just have to hope for the best and stay positive." He spoke calmly, but sternly, trying to get what he was saying to sink in. 

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