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        "Get up! We have your appointment today! You finally get those stupid things out of your face!" Luke yelled, laughing as he laid himself on top of me. I groaned, not wanting to get out of bed just yet.

          "Luke, get off me." I pushed his shoulder lightly, trying to roll him off of my waist as he cracked up.

          "No!" He laughed, his eyes starting to water. I began laughing too, even though I didn't really know what was so funny.

          "Luke, I can't get up if you're on top of me." I laughed, continuing to attempt to shove him off of me.

          "Touché." He said, rolling off of me and laying on his back next to me. He smiled over at me, his eyes bright and awake. I laid my arm over his waist, pressing my face against his shoulder.

          "I don't wanna get up." I whined, hiding my face. Luke giggled, rubbing my back. I smiled at his touch, snuggling closer to him.

          "You have to, though."

          I groaned loudly and dramatically, throwing the duvet off me and getting up. Luke continued to lie there, making me glare playfully at him.

          "You have to get up too butthead." I said, walking over to his side of the bed. I grabbed his hands, pulling on them to get him to sit up.

          "I know, I know." Luke smiled, rolling his eyes as he stood up, wrapping his arms around my waist. I leaned into him, feeling the warmth of his chest pressed against me. I sighed in content, swaying us back and forth ever so slightly. Luke leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to my head and I smiled, looking up at him.  I rested my chin against his chest, gazing into his eyes, a small smile shining on his face.

          "How much longer do we have on this trip?" I asked.

          "I don't know. Maybe like two weeks or something." Luke said, his eyebrows furrowing. "Why?"

          "I don't want it to end." I mumbled, hiding my face in the crook of his neck. I felt odd, not like I was sad, but I kind of was. I loved not having a care in the world, just enjoying every moment of every one of my days; especially since I was spending these days with Luke.

          "Babe," Luke spoke softly, rubbing my back soothingly. "We shouldn't be thinking about the end when we are just starting." I looked up at him, my eyebrows pulling together in confusion.

           "Luke, the beginning of this trip was almost two weeks ago."

           "Yes, it was. But we've barely even started. All we've been concerned with since almost the start was the accident and what it's caused. That's not fun, that's stressful. The whole purpose of this trip was to forget about the stress of our lives for a couple weeks, not cause more. So technically, we are just starting after you get those stupid things taken out." Luke said, a smile breaking out on my face at his words. He was right, this trip was having the opposite affect on us than what we hoped. As soon as we are done with this stupid accident shit, we could finally enjoy ourselves.

          "I guess you're right." I sighed, leaning up to press a soft kiss to Luke's pink lips.

          "You know I'm right." Luke smirked, pulling back to look at me.

          "Don't get too cocky now, Hemmings." I joked, taking a step back. He simply took this as an opportunity to pull me closer, the smirk on his face growing.

         "And why is that?"

         "Cause it's not attractive." I smirked back at him, knowing full well that I actually loved when he acted like that.

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