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        (Luke's P.O.V)

        "Just everything." I breathed, feeling my lip start to tremble. 

        "Luke, we need to go back to the hotel." Clara repeated, now looking worried. I just nodded, knowing that if I spoke to try and protest, the burning in my throat would just get worse. She quickly intertwined our fingers, walking in the direction that we were going in before. I kept clenching and unclenching my jaw, trying to will away the tears that were coming to my eyes. I couldn't cry right now. I wasn't going to let it happen. If I let it happen, Clara would make me tell her everything and I couldn't. I didn't want to do it. 

        Stop fucking crying asshole, she's gonna notice, I thought, wiping furiously  at my watery eyes with the back of my free hand. I took a shaky, but quiet, breath and closed my eyes as I let Clara pull me along the sidewalk. We pushed past a lot of people, the girl in front of me not once looking back or saying a word to anyone. I tried to keep my head down, not wanting to be seen by anyone, even though it was inevitable. I was about to completely obliterate the strength and sanity of the girl I love and I hated myself for it. 

        Clara's pace quickened as she saw our hotel in sight, muttering a sorry as she heard me almost trip. I shook my head, biting hard on my lip and quickening my pace as well. When we got into the doors of the hotel, I felt a knot form deep in my stomach and I couldn't tell whether I wanted to punch a wall or throw up. I didn't look at Clara the entire way up to our floor in the elevator. If she saw the state I was in, she would give me sympathy and I didn't want her stupid sympathy. I didn't deserve it. I felt her squeeze my hand as we exited the elevator and I squeezed it back, needing her strength until I ripped it away. 

        She closed our door quickly once we were in our room, leading me into the bedroom to sit down. She sat cross legged in front of me on top of the white comforter, grabbing my hands and speaking softly. 

        "What's on your mind, Luke?" 

        Too much, I thought, looking down at the comforter underneath us. I bit my lip, feeling the tears rush to my eyes. I blinked a few times, but I knew that they wouldn't go away anymore. 

        "I'm so sorry." I whispered as I looked up at her. A hot tear trailed down my cheek, dripping down to leave a small circle on my jeans.

        "For what?" Clara asked, reaching her hand up to wipe under my eyes. I just stared at her, more tears making their own paths down my cheeks. 

        "We've been gone too long." 

        "No we haven't, Luke. It hasn't even been three weeks yet." Clara said. I let out a short, empty laugh, making her flinch.

        "It's been almost a month babe." 

        "What? There's no way, I... We had this planned out." She spoke, shaking her head. Her eyebrows were furrowed together, the look on her face making it seem like she didn't believe me.

        "We miscalculated." 

        "Have you heard from the boys at all?" She asked. I shook my head from side to side, biting my lip.

        "No," I muttered. 

        "There's no way it's been that long, Luke. We had a plan! A-A good plan!" Clara exclaimed, her eyes wide and her hands shaking as she got up from the bed. 

        "W-where are you going?" I panicked, jumping up and following her into the living room.

        "I just don't believe this." She said, grabbing her phone from the coffee table and unlocking it. Her eyes widened as she opened what I guessed to be her messages. Her hand flew to her mouth, her phone falling to the floor. She froze, staring forward at the light creme wall, the shaking of her hands being the only thing moving in the whole room.

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