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        I woke up on Saturday morning with a groan. I had gotten a call from my supervisor before I went to bed telling me he wanted me to come in to open and then work until two, completely ruining my plans with Luke. I grabbed my phone to tell Luke about the involuntary change when his contact popped up on the screen, telling me he was calling me. I added him to my contacts last night so I didn't have to get confused every time I got a text from the unfamiliar number. 

        I frowned when I answered the phone hearing Luke's voice on the other end.

        "Good morning, Clara." He chirped. He sounded so happy and I was hoping that my news wouldn't change his mood.

        "Good morning, Luke." I replied, trying not to give away anything by the tone of my voice.

        "Are you ready for today?" He asked me. I smiled at his voice and the excitement in his tone before I realized that it wouldn't be like this for much longer. 

        "Well, I actually have some bad news," I started. 

        "What do you mean?" Luke asked. I couldn't tell if he sounded more upset or concerned. 

        "My supervisor called me last night, I have to work two hours later than I was supposed to." I frowned, feeling nervous about the reaction I would get from Luke.

        "Oh," His voice dropped, making me feel horrible.

        "I'm so sorry Luke. If there was a way I could fix this, I would, but-" He cut me off before I could finish apologizing.

        "No, Clara, it's okay. It's not your fault." Luke spoke, even though he still sounded disappointed. 

        "Luke, I feel awful about this. You sounded so excited and I ruined it." 

        "Clara, stop it. It's not your fault. I'll just pick you up when you get out. It's no big deal, really." 

        I sighed, not feeling as bad anymore. "Yeah. You're right. I'm sorry." 

        "Stop apologizing!" Luke laughed, making me feel instantly better than I did even a few seconds ago.

        "Okay, okay!" I laughed. 

        "I hate saying this so soon, but I have to go. I'll see you later, Clara." Luke said, sighing. 

        "It's okay." I replied, smiling.

        "Bye, Clara." Luke spoke softly, like he was trying to make sure no one heard him. 

        "Bye Luke, I'll see you soon." I replied, clicking the little red button on my screen, ending the call. 

                                                *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *

        At around noon, I started to get antsy. I knew I still had two hours to go until Luke got here to pick me up, but I had already been working for three hours and there was literally nothing to do. Lilly went on her "five minute break" about twenty minutes ago and she still wasn't back. So there I was, sitting behind a register, by myself, in an empty store with nothing to do. 

        I picked up my phone from under the counter and unlocked it. Just as I started to scroll through Twitter, the bell at the front of the store rung, signifying that someone had entered the shop. I immediately threw my phone under the counter, seeing that the owner of the store (my supervisor's boss) was walking up to the counter. 

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