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Life is actually filled with Drama, nothing and no one is perfect. I found that out not even a year after Bradley and I got married. At first it seems as if we had it made. We loved each other, everyone loved us together. We won, and we were happy together. Yeah that's how all the stories go. But this isn't a fairytale, this isn't a kids book where everything goes back to normal and the story ends with them getting married on an exotic island. This is really life. I don't know why he'd leave me, we've been through this. Yeah we've broken up a few times more than we should've, gotten into a few more fights than we should've, but we always came back to each other. At least that's what I thought until now. We hardly notice each other in practice anymore, I mean I'm sure he wouldn't even notice if I never showed up again. It hurts me, we were married we were happy. Now what? Like where do I go? What's gonna happen? Is he ok with playing with me at least? Will we ever make up? Or at least be friends? I had so many questions.

"John Wall! Ugh fuck it you never answer in the first place." Bradley yelled popping me out of my thoughts as a ball slammed into my chest. I didn't say anything though because I knew if I wanted to at least be his friend I couldn't get mad at him. At least he acknowledged me right? I thought as a I ran the play.

"John Wall go take a break." The coach said and I nodded and walked away.

I don't have to be here, I don't have to even partake in any of this. Why do I even bother showing up? I've left once why don't I leave again? I thought and my eyes drifted over to Bradley. He's the reason I'm not leaving. He's the reason I show up every day. I keep hopping he'll forgive me. Forgive my mistakes. Forgive me for what I had done. Wait, what did I do?

Hey Guys this is the new book, Again. This is my first time writing an Intro. How was it? I think I could improve and I'll try to make it longer next time! Love y'all!!!

Try Again |Third Book in the Bad At Love series|Where stories live. Discover now