Try Again

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"Bradley?!" I yelled running into the house. "Bradley?! She said..."

"Yeah I know what I said." She said and I jumped around.

"Where is he?!" I yelled.

"I don't know John, I didn't get to see him." She said.

"Then who did?" I yelled at her.

"I don't know either Harry or Jacob." She said.

"Call them." I growled.

"I'm not scared of you John." She said and I took a step closer to Her.

"Really?" I said lowly. "Your not scared of me?"

"No, but maybe you should be scared of me." She said and I laughed.


"I don't know John why don't you tell me?" She said and she ran her hands down my chest. "I know you think I'm hot."

"Ashley." I growled.

"Just once and I'll let him go." She whispered.


"Yeah." She said and I connected my lips to hers. "I wanna be in your room, in your bed John." She whispered and I picked her up and threw her into the bed. She took my shirt off and I stopped.

"I can't do this." I said shaking my head and standing up.

"You'd do it for Bradley wouldn't you?" She said and my eyes watered up.

"But I'm about to cheat on him."

"No you aren't John." She said and I sat down on the bed.

"I just wanna see him." I whispered.

"You can if you fu..." I interrupted her and pushed her onto the bed. She took my shirt off and ran her hands down my abs. I slowly took her clothes off regretting every item I took off. I took a deep breath in and she slid my underwear off. "Mmm John." She moaned. I don't really know what happened after that. "You wanna see Bradley?" She said and I nodded. "Keep going and you will." I nodded again. "Oh yes John." She moaned really loudly as soon as the door opened.

"John!" Bradley yelled and he sounded heart broken. I jumped up and threw my underwear on. I wrapped my arms around him but he moved out of my grasp.

"No Bradley." I said as tears filled his eyes.

"Why would you cheat on me?"

"What? I didn't they had you."

"Who has me John? I was downtown." He said and my heart broke.

"She told me that some of her men had you and the only way I'd get to see you again is if I had sex with her." I said and he shook his head.

"Your such a liar." He said and my mouth dropped.

"No Bradley baby please believe me." I said. "I would never lie to you." I guess it hit him and his face softened.

"You'd never lie to me John, you've been nothing but good to me." He said and he hugged me. I smiled and hugged him. Bradley pulled me away and we both fell on the floor.

"What?!" I exclaimed. "Why'd you do that?!" He didn't have time to say another word. Bang. A hole appeared in the floor beside us and i jumped up and grabbed him. I ran upstairs with him. I pulled him I to the media room.

"This room, the guest room Go in it, and and on your left is the dresser Push the third drawers nob and a door will open go in." I said and I kissed him. "I love you Bradley."

"I'm not going without you." He whispered.

"Fine." I said as i heard her come up the stairs. I pulled him in and pressed the button. I shut the door. "It's sound proof." I said and I sat him on my lap. I turned on the tv and the cameras popped up. "Hey she can't hear us, what are you thinking?" I asked him.

"Nothing, I just want you to be safe."

"I will be don't worry." I said smiling and I kissed his forehead. "Your so sweet." I said.

"I don't mean to be I'm just being honest." He said and I squeezed my arms around him quickly. Just the the door to the guest room slammed open.

"I know you in here."

"Why can we hear her?"

"Because I made it that way where we can hear them but they can't hear us, hey come here." I said and I pulled him into another room. "Bradley listen to me I'm gonna stay in here I'll be fine ok, and if you listen to me so will you. Go through that door and take the steps, you'll end up in the back of my closet. When you get down there leave." I said and he looked at me worried.

"No, I can't leave you here John."

"Yeah Bradley leave. I love you."

"Wait John!" He said and he turned around. "Be safe please."

"I will Bradley."

"I love you so much." He said and he kissed me.

"Hey Bradley I love you to, like I told you earlier your the best thing that's ever happened to me. Words can't describe what you've done to my life, words can't describe what you mean to me so I just say I love you. Saying I love you isn't just a conversation starter or a way to get what I want, I truly mean it every time I say it. You mean everything to me Bradley, it means so much for you to have that ring on your finger and for me to be able to call you mine. We've gone through so much together, good and bad, but I wouldn't have changed or traded any of it for anything. I love you Bradley and I'm so glad I get to share this part of my life with you. Bradley when you leave, and if I for some reason never show up again keep that ring on your finger because that shows how much I love you. Bradley I'm so glad your in my life and I'm so glad we got to try again." I kissed I'm and and turned him around and made him leave.

Hey Guys! This is the last chapter to this book. Obviously there's going to be another book I just do not know the name of it yet. Also how many more books should I make of this series? I really need to know so I can't plan, like one, two, three more? It doesn't really matter I'll make as many more books as you want me to make. I think the most I'll make it is a ten book series though. Lol. Anyways this was only book three so tell me how many more you think I should make! I'll post a chapter with the new name of the book soon! Love y'all.
-Kyrie_MVP 💕

Try Again |Third Book in the Bad At Love series|Where stories live. Discover now