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"Hey Bradley you wanna know something?" I said tapping him on the shoulder to wake him up.

"What you love me?" He said.

"No, well yes of course, but that's not what I meant. Your ankle isn't broke."

"What?! That's impossible."

"No, it's even more rare than the Injury itself but it's possible." I said and he sat up smiling. "I told you that you'd be fine." I said and he nodded. I kissed him. "Let go somewhere today." I said.

"Ok." He said and he got up and changed. "You ready?" He asked and I nodded. We walked out and I stuck my hands in my pockets.

"Oh shoot I'll be back, I forgot Um uh my phone." I said. I ran and opened my bedside table and slipped it in my pocket. "Ok let's go." I said getting in the car. We got out and walked around. I glanced around and there was nobody around. "Bradley can we talk?" I asked and he nodded. "Um Bradley you know I love you Right?" He nodded. "Well the worst thing I could have ever done i did, i cheated on you with Kemba." His mouth dropped. "But that was a while ago." I said and he sat down on the bench and glared at me. I smiled at him. "And you found a way to forgive me and for us to date for a while. It was during that moment In my life i realized how lucky i was to have you be a major part in my life. I love you so much Bradley and you mean everything to me. I don't know how many times I've done this but maybe this could be the last time and you'd be mine forever. Bradley Beal, will you marry me?" I asked and he smiled.

"I don't know." He said smiling. "Yeah I guess so." He said laughing. I smiled and kissed him.

"You wanna go home?" I asked and he nodded. I wrapped my arm around him.

"You forgot to give me the ring." He said and I laughed.

"Here." I said and I slid it on his finger. He kissed me and we went home. "Your gonna have the best life anyone could ask for." I said smiling.

"I already do John." He said. "I couldn't ask for anymore better than you."

"I couldn't either." I said and I kissed him.

"Hey John." He said interrupting the kiss.

"Mhm?" I said and he looked me in the eyes and I started to smile. "I'm sorry, what were you telling me."

"Nothing, your just cute." He said.

"Oh ok." I said shrugging. "I'm not really cute but."

"Shut up your cute." He said laughing.

"Ok ok stop. I don't wanna argue if I'm cute or not." I said.

"Yeah you are kinda cute." Someone said behind us.

"What?!" Bradley said and he looked like he could breathe fire. I turned around and it was Kelly.

"Dude that's weird." I said and he shrugged.

"Nice ass to." I stepped I front of Bradley to keep him from killing Kelly. "Your Great at sex." He said smiling. "I remember that day like it was yesterday we fit together so perfectly."

"Dude shut up your just drunk." I said and he laughed.

"Maybe but I do remember things." He said. Bradley stepped in front of me and I pulled him against my chest.

"I love you so much baby." I whispered in his ear and he smiled at me.

"Well I wanna make things clear." Bradley said. "You'll never and I mean never talk about my man like that again. He's mine and mine only, you can think it but you can't say it. You understand." Bradley growled. Kelly nodded. "Now I think you should leave!" Bradley's voice boomed through the house. Kelly backed up and left.

Try Again |Third Book in the Bad At Love series|Where stories live. Discover now