I Wanna See You

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"Hey sorry I'm late." I said walking up to his car.

"No problem, what's going on?" He asked.

"Nothing let's just get inside." I said and we walked into a club.

"You part to much." He laughed.

"I haven't went out to party in five months so say that again." I said and my gut wrenched when I thought about why I hadn't gone out to party. Because I loved Bradley and I never wanted to hurt him.

"John are you ok?"

"No I'm not." I whispered.

"What?!" He yelled over the music.

"Don't Tell Brad I did this." I said and our lips locked. Our lips slowly separated and we locked eyes. "Um, how long are you gonna be here?" I asked looking away.

"A while, we have a few games up here so." He said and I nodded.

"You can stay at my place instead of a hotel."

"It's fine I don't wanna thin anything." He said.

"There's Nothing you can ruin anymore it's fine." I said shrugging.

"John what happened?" He asked and I started to cry. "Oh John." He said and that was the last thing he said till we pulled up at my house. "Now what's going on?" He asked.

"Bradley and I broke up." I sobbed falling into my sofa.

"No you didn't you just got in a fight."

"No we broke up, we yelled at each other and I threw my ring at him."

"Hey it's gonna be ok I swear." He said and he wrapped his arms around me.

"I'm so sorry for calling you up and making you think we were gonna have a fun night but instead you have to comfort me as I cry like a baby." I said sniffling.

"Hey it's ok, anything for a close friend." He said. I smiled up at him and I took a sharp breath in. He smiled at me and my heart started to race.

"Um, uh."

"You don't have to talk." He whispered and I nodded. He wrapped his arm around me and I pushed him against the sofa.

"Just this once." I whispered and our lips locked. "You know what I've always wanted to see." I said running my hand up and down his shirt. He smirked.

"I don't just show off my body for free."

"Oh but in your jersey you do." I moaned as he kissed my collarbone.

"Really what about me in my jersey that's so hot." He asked smirking.

"Everything, the way it fits you to the way it shows off you muscles. Oh it's just everything." I sighed and I kissed him again.
I laid there on his bare chest. I smiled up at him and he kissed my forehead. "Your so cute." He whispered and I smiled at him.

"Do you have to go today?" I asked.

"I'm sorry." He said.

"It's fine, part of the job I understand." I said and he smiled at me.

"I'll be back though, I play y'all in a few days."

"Oh good, you'll stay at my house right?"

"Of course." He said and I sighed and leaned into him more.

"A few days ago you told me you don't just show off your body free, now you just walked around in no shirt." I said smiling.

"Had a change of heart I guess." He said and we both laughed. I glanced at the time and I got up.

"I have to go, practice is in an hour."

"Oh, do you have to go?" He whined.

"Yes I have to go, I can't miss practice besides we play you in a few days and I wanna win." I said laughing.

"Oh you wanna win huh?" He asked and he pulled me back on top of him. "You think your gonna win John don't get all cocky with me." He said laughing and I laughed and he kissed me softly. A kiss to perfect to be real. Through the last few days he had made me forget all about Bradley. It's like he is perfect, and he is everything I've ever needed. "What you thinking about?" He asked.

"On nothing just about us and how perfect you are."

"Oh really you think I'm perfect?"

"Yeah I do."

"I don't wanna bring up a sore subject but more perfect than..."

"Yeah your more perfect than Bradley." I smiled and he kissed me.

"John." Someone whispered and my heart dropped. Both of our faces broke and we stopped and looked at my doorway. "I thought you told me I was perfect?" He questioned. I didn't know what to say. I just cried. I crumpled and cried in his chest. "You didn't have to go get him you know, I would have let you cry on my chest any time you wanted John." He whispered. "Because I actually still love you." He said and he walked away.

"Do you want me to go?"

"No please don't Your the only good thing in my life." I cried.

"No I'm not but I'll stay." He said laying back down. "Hey don't cry it hurts me to see you cry." He said.

"I love you." I whispered against his chest.

"What?" He asked.

"I love you." I said and he smiled and ran his hand down my back.
"Sorry I'm late." I said walking into practice.

"John Wall why are you late?" Coach asked mad.

"Probably getting off with his new boyfriend." Bradley snapped.

"Oh shut up." I said. "I got stuck in traffic I'm sorry Coach."

"Yeah well traffic wasn't heavy for anyone else who drove here." Bradley said. "Oh was the traffics heavy for you to drive to the airport to drop him off so he can fly out to Boston for his game tomorrow?"

"I said shut up you don't know about anything that's going on in my life right now!" I yelled.

"Oh really I don't John Wall because I walked in to hear a lot." He yelled. "And he sure didn't look happy when you started to cry over me."

I grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him closer to me. "Don't you ever bring him into anything we talk about ever again." I growled and his eyes got wide. "You understand?"

"I don't think I do." He said and I pushed him back and turned around and walked alway. "Johnathan Hildred Wall." He growled and I ignored him and walked into the locker room.

"Get out I don't wanna see you today." I growled when he walked in.

"Yeah I didn't wanna see you today either but let me make one thing clear. I'm gonna do everything in my power to beat him next game and I hope the point gets across."

"What point Bradley."

"One that you wouldn't care about John I wish we would have never met! I wish you would stop nagging me for five minutes I just wish you could get out of my life!" He yelled.

"Oh." I whispered. "Ok." I said and I grabbed my stuff and walked out.

"Wait John!" He said grabbing my arm.

"No! If you want me out of your life then why would you come after me?!" I yelled and I threw his hand off of my arm.

"Because I love you John."

"No you don't Bradley. You made that very clear the other day and a few minuets ago." I yelled and I stormed out and I got In my car and pulled out my phone. "Have you left? Cause I wanna see you one more time before you leave."

Try Again |Third Book in the Bad At Love series|Where stories live. Discover now