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"Don't go." I whined holding his hand.

"John I can't miss another game I have to go."

"But you could miss one more for me right?" I asked and he sighed and looked at me.

"Yeah I can." He whispered and he started to smile and he shook his head. "Your lucky I love you." He said and I smiled and kissed him.

"We're gonna get Married you know that Kemba." I said smiling.

"Yeah I do." He said smiling back at me.

"Oh Kemba, I'm so happy you missed your game for me, but I can't miss practice Coach is already about to I'll me."

"Ok." He laughed and he moved so I could leave.

"No not without one more kiss." I said smiling and we kissed and I left. I pulled up smiling.

"Someone put you in a good mood." Bradley said walking beside me.

"Yeah I guess so." I said and I pulled out my phone and he stopped.

"Tell coach I'm sick." He said and his voice cracked.

"What why."

"I just need the day off." He said as tears filled his eyes.

"Bradley what's going on."

"What do you think John?" He said as tears fell down his face.

"I don't know!" I said. "I'm not a mind reader. See you won't tell me anything Your so hard to communicate with."

"I'm sorry John." He whispered. "I never meant to be." He said and he pulled pulled something out of his pocket and left it in my hand. He turned around and I opened my hand. I sat on the steps and cried. I held his ring in my hand.

"No Bradley." I cried and screamed. "If I didn't love Kemba I swear I'd come back to you." I cried to myself and I held his ring tight in my hand. Tears fell down my face and hit the floor. Someone sat beside me and wrapped their arm around me.

"Someone called me and told me you were in a pretty bad way." He said and I looked at him and kissed him. He smiled. "Why do you always kiss me?" He asked.

"Because I love you." I sniffles and he smiled and pulled me against him.

"It's ok to cry John he just gave you back what resembled halls relationship. I'd cry to." He said and I burst into tears. I soaked his shirt literally. "Shhh it's gonna be ok I swear John." He whispered. "We're gonna get through this together." He said Andy whole body shook. Tears just kept streaming down my face no matter how hard I tried to make them stop. I cried for a good hour-hour and a half. "John do you really love me?" He asked quickly.

"What? Why would you ask that?"

"Because you've been crying over Bradley for the past hour and a half." He said.

"I do love you Kemba I would have never married you if I didn't."

"I know it's just I feel like there's something still there with you and him."

"Well if there is he's gonna have to find it because I'm happy with you, your all I need." I said smiling and I kissed him.

"Hey don't listen to him." He whispered and Bradley walked by.

"Looks like you got over that fast." He said and Kemba moved my face to where I was looking at him. I smiled and leaned against his chest. "John..."

"I don't care Bradley." I said said and he walked away.

"He just wants to talk to you John. Why don't you try to talk to him."

"I just can't right now, I will layer." I said. "Right now I just wanna get home and spend the day with you. Who cares if Coach is mad I'm late anyways." I said and he laughed and kissed me quickly.

Try Again |Third Book in the Bad At Love series|Where stories live. Discover now