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I woke up coughing. "Hey John here." Bradley said handing me the medicine the doctor had given me.

"Thanks." I said and I swallowed the pills with water. "Hey Bradley Thanks for being here with me." I said and he smiled.

"I wouldn't wanna help anyone else when they are sick."

"You so cold." I said and he laughed.

"You know what I mean. I was trying to be sweet"

"Your already sweet you don't need to try to be."

"Ok ok well get some rest you need to get better."

"Yeah I know." I said and I fell asleep.
"Hey John wake up! The doctor said you'd be better in five days! Your feeling better right!"

"Bradley Stop." I groaned and I threw the blankets over my head. To be honest I felt worse.

"Oh I'm sorry. I just thought..."

"Hey it's fine and I'll be better tomorrow." I said and he smiled and walked out. I went to sleep and woke up to Bradley laying down beside me. "What time is it?"

"Oh I woke you up I'm sorry, it's 10." He said. I knew he meant night because it was pitch black outside.

"I love you Bradley."

"I love you John." He said and I went back to sleep. I jerked awake and gasped for air. "John?!" Bradley said sitting up.

"I'm-I'm-I'm sorry my throat just...i couldn't breath." I said and his face changed. "I'm fine that's common." I said laying back down.

"Yeah but he said you only had it in one lung, it's get hard to breath when you have it in both." He said.

"It's fine, now go back to sleep." I said and I closed my eyes.

"I love you John." He whispered and he wrapped his arm around me.

"I love you to Bradley." I fell asleep. "Bradley." I mumbled and he woke up. "I I I feel..." I didn't wanna say anything else it just hurt to talk. "Doctor." I croaked out. He jumped up and threw a shirt on. He turned the light on and slid his phone in his pocket. I laid there with one arm over my forehead and the other under my head.

"You wanna try to walk?" He asked. I sat up and nodded no. He scooped me up and placed me softly into his car. He rolled the seat down and shut my door quietly. He got in his side and started the car. I fell asleep on the way. He tapped my shoulder. "John John wake up, come on let's go inside." He said and I nodded. He helped me inside and I sat down. I coughed and he wrapped his arm around me. He stood up and checked me in. He sat back down and looked at me. "Your gonna be fine. I had pneumonia once and it stunk but you'll be fine."

"I know." I croaked my voice was raspy and barley loud enough for someone to hear.

"John Wall." The nurse said and we stood up. I sat down and the doctor came in soon after.

"Ok John What seems to be the problem."

"Well..." I started to cough and Bradley started to talk for me.

"Well we went to his actual doctor the other day and they said he had pneumonia so he gave him some pills to take and he was just really tired and then tonight he claimed he couldn't breath for a second or two. Then he woke up later and told me he needed to go to the doctor so here we are." He said shrugging.

"I see, now what could have happened is it spread to both of his lungs, which I'm most cases if ok, he'll have some trouble breathing but he'll get over it with the right medication, but in other cases it's not that easy. Now did you say the medicine made him tired?"

"Yes." Bradley said.

"Well any pneumonia medicine I know isn't supposed to make you tired you can give him stuff with it like Advil PM or stuff like that but the medicine it's self isn't supposed to make you tired. It's better if you sleep with your own "energy" not forced tiredness when your sick." He said and Bradley nodded. "Do you have the bottle with you."

"In the car." Bradley said and he nodded.

"Go get it, while your doing that I'll have a look at John." He said. He checked my pulse my breathing and other stuff. "He's really congested, I definitely think it spread to both lungs now let me see." He said as Bradley handed him the pill bottle. "Huh this is supposed to just make you feel better not make you tired."

"So it's the wrong medicine in the right bottle?"

"Yeah something like that let me call your pharmacy and see what pharmacist gave this to you."

"Oh ok." Bradley said. We waited for a long time until he came back with a worried look on his face.

"I'll get under control what happened at the pharmacy, he didn't give you anything that would hurt you luckily. Now take these." He said and he handed me another bottle of the same thing but different pills. "Get lots of rest and you'll be better before you know if." He said and I smiled.

"Thank you." Bradley said and we left. "Told you that you'd be fine."

"Yeah." I said and I got in his car and went back to sleep.

"Your so tired I don't know if that's a good thing." Bradley said laying down beside me.

"He said that I needed to rest for a while it's fine." I said and Bradley kissed me.

"I know I'm just worried about you, I just worry about something happening to you."

Try Again |Third Book in the Bad At Love series|Where stories live. Discover now