Sick Day

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"What? No no no." I said running onto the court.

"John Wall your gonna get ejected...." the whistle blew.

"And John Wall has been ejected for running onto the court when his teammate Bradley Beal fell down hard."

"Now you see stuff like that I don't agree with, he's just checking to see if he's ok."

"Yeah But He didn't run out to see if Kelly was ok earlier."

"So, he's there second best player..."

"And boyfriend."

"Hey baby." I said kneeling beside Bradley and the managers walked over and grabbed my shirt. I hit them away. "I'll get fined." I hissed at them. "Baby what hurts?" I asked. He bit his lip and looked at me.

"My my my knee." He croaked.

"Hey baby your gonna be fine I'll go back with you." I said smiling at him. I was hovering above him so Laid down on the ground so that I would be eye level with him. "I promise you'll be ok." I said and he nodded. "Here." I said and I jumped up and stuck my hand out. He grabbed it and I pulled him up. He hobbled and caught himself on the basket. I grabbed him and wrapped my arms around him. He tried to walk but he couldn't so I just picked him up.

"John Wall your gonna ruin you season fling that! He's 6'6 your 6'4!" Coach yelled.

"Actually I'm 6'4 he's 6'5." I said rolling my eyes and I walked away and set him down. "You are kinda heavy though." I said and he laughed. "I guess adrenaline just kicked in and i could carry you." I said and he laughed again. I paced the room until they came back to tell me what they decided.

"He's good to play." They said and I smiled.

"Well does he wanna play?"

"No but coach said..."

"Tell Bradley to stay here for a second." I snapped and I stormed out the door. I stalked up to Coach and he turned around.

"I don't wanna hear it John! We need to win!" He groaned.

"Yeah well he needs to be able to be great the rest of his career! I'm tired of this you make me play when I'm hurt I'm not gonna let you play him. My knees been jacked up for years because of you and I'll never let that happen to him." I grabbed his shoulder and turned him around. "He's not play till his knee feels better." I growled and I walked off. "Double fine and Suspension i guess." I said shrugging. I walked in and sat down by Bradley. "Hey I talked to coach your not playing." I said and he smiled then nodded behind me. I glanced behind me and there was a TV.

"Yeah you totally TALKED to coach." He said laughing and I smiled.

"Hey I couldn't let you play hurt." I said and he shrugged. "My knees a mess cause I played hurt." Lie, cause he wanted me to play hurt. "I don't want you to do that." I said and he smiled. "I bet we could leave."

"We're not supposed to." He said and I shrugged.

"What have I don't tonight that I was supposed to." I said and he laughed.

"Show up."

"Oh shut up." I said laughing.

"Aww don't say that to your boyfriend!" He joked. I laughed and wrapped my arm around him.

"Can you walk?"

"Yeah I'm fine." He said standing up.

"Jump." I said and He hoped once and I nodded. "Good enough now come on let's go." We walked out. "You wanna just walked around town for a while?" I asked.

"Sure." He said. We walked around for a long time. A group of girls stopped us and started to talk.

"So Mr. Wall." One girl said getting close to me. Bradley wrapped his arms around me and pulled me against his chest.

"Talk don't take cause he's mine." Bradley said and I smiled quickly then looked serious again.

"Oh." She said and then laughed. "Well I bet John would like to take a break huh?"

"Yeah I would." I said and Bradley let go of me. "I'd like to take a break from you." I said and laughed. She gasped and Bradley laughed. "Now we were just walking around we were going around looking for people to flirt with. So if you could excuse us, we're going to continue to look around." I said and I walked past her. "I'm so sorry." I said turning around and looking at him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him lightly. "What I said sounded so wrong." I said and he nodded. "You forgive me?"

"John." He said laughing. "You did nothing wrong it just came out wrong or something." He said and I laughed.

"I guess I just feel bad." I said shrugging. He smiled and wrapped his arm around my neck and pulled me close to him. I smiled at him. We walked around for a long time. "Can we go home?" I asked him. I shivered at the cold weather. He pulled me closer to him and nodded.

"Yeah let's go home it's getting cold." He nodded. I got in his car and shivered. "Your that cold?" He asked.

"Yeah aren't you?"

"No." He said. He turned the heat on. I looked out the window and yawned. We got home and I jerked awake. I fell back asleep and I felt a strong pair of arms wrap around me. The next thing I knew I was laying in bed. I got under the covers and coughed. "Are you ok?" He asked. I went to talk but a shooting pain went through my throat. I shook my head no. "What's wrong?" He asked and I tired to talk again but it came out as just a raspy Nothing. "Come on." He said nodding. "We're going to the ER." He said.

"No Bradley it's fine I'll be better tomorrow." I said.

"Are you Sure is there anything I can do for you?" He asked and i nodded no.

"I'll be fine I just need to sleep."
I was wrong. I woke up feeling like I had just died. My throat and lungs felt like they were being ripped out of me and my head pounded. "Bradley." I croaked and I went to tap him but he jumped and sat up. "How did you hear me?"

"I just did, been up most of the night. What?"

"Sinus medicine." I coughed and he nodded. He grabbed some and a thermometer.

"John your burning up!" He exclaimed. "We have to go to the doctor."


"No John 105.6 that's crazy. One and a half more and you'll be messed up." He exclaimed "Your coming with me." He said.

"I do all the time." I said smirking and he gave me a serious look.

"Just come on please." He said and I went to stand up but I sat back down and rubbed my head.

"I'm dizzy." I said. He picked me up again and carried me to the car. We found out I have pneumonia. I groaned when I walked back into the house. "I feel like I'm dying." I said and Bradley got a worried look on his face.

"Don't say that John." He said quickly and I tried to smile at him.

"I'm fine I was just joking." I coughed out.

"I know I just never wanna think of losing you." He said. "Now go get some rest." He said. I nodded and I laid back down. He came and laid beside me. "I told coach you won't be back for a while." He said and I nodded.

"Thanks." I said. "Your gonna get sick don't stay with me."

"I'm fine I just wanna make sure your ok." He said and i smiled. I fell asleep with my arms wrapped around his arm. I woke up to Bradley moving. "I'm sorry I fell asleep on your arm it's probably asleep."

"It's fine." He said nodding and I fell back asleep.

Try Again |Third Book in the Bad At Love series|Where stories live. Discover now