1st Day Back

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"hey y'all! How was your break?!" I asked walking into practice.

"Awful, I had to spend two whole months with some really weird dude." Bradley said.

"Oh I'm so sorry, what's his name maybe I can avoid him."

"Johnathan." He said and I nodded.

"Johnathan, noted." I said and we both laughed. "I'm not that weird."

"Yeah I know, I didn't tell them exactly how weird you were." He said. "Did you know that John Wall has a crush on Sabrina Carpenter?!" Bradley blurted out.

"That's do not true, I'm more Ariana." I said.

"Dude Sabrina is like 19." Kelly said and I laughed.

"I ain't got no crush on anybody." I said and I pulled out my phone. "Y'all say what you want but we all know Kelly is crushing on..."

"Ok that's enough!" Coach yelled walking in. "John Wall your in a sturdy relationship, Kelly your just fine on your own, and Bradley stop telling on people. Now how was everyone's break?" He asked and we all laughed.

"Good." We all said.

"Any time away from you is good." I joked and he glared at me then smiled.

"I like where you and John are, you like each other but hate each other and it's like you gave up because you knew you couldn't contain him."

"He came out of Kentucky what can I say?" He said shrugging. I chuckled and he started to talk about the new season. "Now guys we did three peat." He said and I yelled. He laughed at me and kept going. "We've got a HUGE target on our back." He said. He kept talking and I zoned out I just wanted to get to practice. "John..."

"Yeah what?!" I asked. He laughed and shook his head.

"You have to pay attention, I keep telling you this. If he's to much of a distrac..."

"No! I'm not thinking about him I'm just zoning off because I just wanna get to practice."

"Well John Kd you would have listened you would have found out my dad is in the hospital and the assistant coaches aren't back yet so y'all get the day off."

"Oh ok." I said and everyone walked off.

"You weren't even thinking about me?" Bradley asked as I walked away.

"Of course I was thinking about you Bradley I always think about you. I just couldn't tell coach that."

"Your sweet, but you don't have to lie to make me happy."

"Bradley I swear I'm not lying, I really was thinking about you. Remember I've never broken a swear."

"Yeah." He said smiling. "I love you John your just perfect."

"Naw I'm not but hey I'll take the compliment." I said shrugging. "But your perfect." I said wrapping my arm around his waist and pulling him closer to me.

"John I do not accept flirting in my facility." Coach said and I winked at him and he laughed.

"Let's get out of here." I whispered. As we were walking out Kelly called our names.

"Y'all wanna go out to lunch with us?" He asked. I glanced at Bradley and he shrugged then shook his head yes.

"Sure." I said and we both got in my car. "I usually don't go if you aren't here." I said.

"What?! No you always party." He stated.

"Naw not without you, it's not fun." I said and I laughed. "No I'm joking it is fun, it's just I don't wanna do anything that'll hurt you so I just opt to come home and spend time with you instead." I said shrugging.

Try Again |Third Book in the Bad At Love series|Where stories live. Discover now