Do You?

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I was at the game sitting down. They had told me to sit out one more game to make sure I was better. "I Hate you I love you I hate that I love you don't want to but I can't out nobody else above you." I over-dramatically sang and I leaned on Bradley's shoulder.  "I wish I could play today."

"Mhm." He said and I brushed it off.
"Hey Brad Good Job!" I said wrapping my arms around him.

"Yeah." He said and I frowned at him.

"You've been sad all night what's going on?" I asked.

"Nothing I'm just being crazy."

"No your not Bradley what's going on?" I asked walking out of the stadium.

"It's nothing." He said laughing.

"What?!" I asked smiling at him.

"Ok don't call me crazy, but when you sang that song earlier and leaned on me..." I burst out laughing. "I told you not to laugh." He said and I kissed him while still smiling.

"Your so cute Bradley." I said and he shrugged.

"I don't try to be." He said and I laughed.

"Well duh and that's what makes it cute."

"Ok stop I wanna go home." He said as a huge swarm of reporters surrounded us.

"He wants to go home?" "Is Bradley going back to your house John?" "What does that mean that Bradley wants to go home." "I heard you call Bradley cute, what does that mean." "Why did you call Bradley cute?" I groaned and pushed past them. I must have grabbed Bradley's hand because we walked out of the crowd holding hands.

"Ok now you wanna go home?" I asked laughing. "It's crazy cause they all know we're dating." We got in my car and I drove home. "I'm just gonna lay down for the night I'm tired cheering wore me out."

"You cant be worn out though." He said sitting beside me.


"Because I had other plans for tonight than to sleep and all those reporters had the right to be suspicious." He said and I smiled and pulled him on top of me. I locked our lips and we shared long slow kiss after long slow kiss.
I rolled over and groaned. "Bradley we cant do what we did last night anymore, the teams not gonna let it slid this time." I groaned and I stood up and stumbled. "Is this even possible?"

"I guess so." He said trying not to laugh.

"Shut up." I said laughing. "I'll take head next time and then I'll laugh at you the next day." I said. "I'm gonna get dressed and head out you can come now or head out on your own time." I said walking into the bathroom. I took a shower and changed. "You gonna come?" I asked him as I was leaving.

"Um uh yeah I'll be there in a few." He said and I nodded and left. I pulled up the the stadium and put my 1,000 on the table.

"Bets on me today." I said and I threw my bag in the corner.

"You good bro?" Kelly asked walking up to me. "Can you play like that?"

"What?" I asked looking at my athletic shit and pants.

"No dude not that!" He laughed. "Hey Otto come here!" He yelled and Otto walked over. "Go walk a Circle around the gym." He said and I rolled my eyes and sat down on the seat beside me.

"Yeah I can play." I said looking at my phone.

"Bradley coming?"

"Yeah he's just taking longer." I said shrugging and I texted him. "He'll be here in a few he's on his way."

"Dude no one cares when he's gonna get here we just care if he's gonna be here." Kelly said. "Love Boy." He said laughing. "Naw I'm joking with you." He sat down beside me and I turned my phone off. "What?" He asked looking at my phone.

"Nothing." I said and he grabbed my phone and I tried to grab it but he hit the power button.

"Oh first let's talk about this lock screen." He said smirking. "Hey Dwight come look at this!" He yelled and I jumped on him. I went grab my phone but he put it above his head. I was on top of him laughing and trying to reach for my phone.

"Hey dude give it back." I said reaching for it. Someone grabbed my phone from behind Kelly. We both jerked around to see Bradley standing there. I jumped up. "Hey." I said wrapping my arms around him and talking quieter. "That didn't take you long." I said smiling at him. Some people may think that it was forced but it wasn't at all.

"Oh yeah." He said shrugging. I glanced at Kelly and he walked away. "See y'all just understand each other." He said quietly.

"Baby that's crazy." I said laughing. "Why would you say that?"

"You just seem so happy around him."


"Your Never that happy around me." He whispered.

"Oh baby." I said wrapping my arms around him. "You make me happy." I said looking into his eyes.

"I know all of us here do, but he makes you a different happy."

"Yeah and so do you in a way he doesn't."

"How you were looking at him when he took you phone, it just looked like you loved him." I went to say something but he cut me off. "You never look like you love me anymore. All we do is play basketball, go home, eat dinner, fight, and then have sex to make it better John. We do it out of routine not out of love. I used to know you loved me because I could see it in your eyes but I can't anymore and it kills me John. You don't look at me the way you used to." He said still whispering.

"Bradley I may not look at you the way I used to or what ever but I can't live without you, I love you." I said and I pulled him closer. "And Bradley I'm just one of those guys, we can talk things out if you want." I said and he laughed.

"I know you are John." He said while laughing.

"What funny?" I asked him. "Aren't you sad?"

"Well I mean I am but I just had to say that." He said.

"You know I love you right Bradley?" I asked and he looked at me and I pulled him against me and I rested my head on his shoulder. "Well I do love you Bradley." I said choking up. "I couldn't live without you Bradley." I whispered.

"Guys come o..." Dwight said and he turned around.

"I'm sorry Bradley. I should have just waited for you at the house."

"John now your being crazy." He said and I laughed.

"Well I just, You didn't tell me you knew I loved you."

"I don't know if you do, you'll just have to show me later." He said and he winked at me and went to walk away but I threw my arms around him.

"Bipolar." I said and he laughed.

"Obviously I know you love me John." He said and I smiled and held him against my chest.

"You Love me right?"

"Well are we gonna beat Dwight and Kelly today."

"Duh." I said and he leaned his head back on my shoulder.

"Duh I love you." He said and he stood back. I kissed his neck and he squirmed. I smirked and let go of him.

"You wanna go beat them?"

"Yeah." He said smiling.

"Oh by the way don't lose the thousands on me today." He just shook his head at me.

Try Again |Third Book in the Bad At Love series|Where stories live. Discover now