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Bradley, with his body against mine. That's all I could think off. It had been six weeks since Ashley came and it had been six weeks since we had well, done anything. I rubbed my head in frustration as Bradley changed beside me in the locker room. "What's wrong?" He asked me and I shook my head.

"Nothing." I said. I know it sounds crazy, but I'm just That type of guy and I have those needs.

"Really what's wrong?" He asked sitting down and pulling me against his bare chest.

"Nothing!" I growled in an angry way. He looked shocked but threw his shit on and we both left.

"Johnathan Hilldred Wall what's wrong! I demand it!" Bradley snapped.

"You! Your what's wrong!" I snapped back. It went silent until we got home. We walked inside and I grabbed him and pulled me against him. "Your what's wrong Mr. Beal." I growled in his ear and he seemed to understand. "Six weeks is to long. Never again or else you'll be punished ok?" I growled.

"Yes sir." He said.
"Hey guys you wanna go out tonight?" Kelly asked randomly walking into my house. and I shrugged and looked at Bradley.

"Sure?" I said and Bradley nodded. "Yeah we'll go." I said.

"One sec." Bradley said and he stood up and he walked into my room. He walked back out with a shirt on. I gave him a pouty face and he laughed. "But the Everyone would be all over me." He said and I laughed and stood up. I cringed at the pain that shot through my legs.

"Looks like someone did to much today." Nelly said smirking.

"Shut up." I said walking to the kitchen counter and grabbing my keys.

"Didn't know men could get limps." Kelly said laughing.

"Shut up dude. It's not that bad."

"Yeah, if your whole body would jerk when you walk."

"Your Fine." Bradley said smiling and trying not to laugh.

"Yeah yeah well let's go. You want a ride or not Kelly?"

"Yeah I'll come." He said walking out the door. I jumped in the drivers seat but got pulled out by Bradley.

"I'm driving." He said and I shrugged and got in the passengers seat. "Where are we going?" Bradley asked Kelly.

"Um to the place right in the middle of downtown I forget it's name."

"Yeah ok I think I know where your talking about." He said. We pulled up and Kelly nodded.

"Yeah oh hey you don't mind the team is here?"

"Naw." I said getting out. We walking in and joined the team. I sat down and ordered a drink.

"Dude Johns already got one drink in his hand and another on the way." Markieff joked and we all laughed. I was handed my second drink when Bradley sat down beside me.

"Please don't drink to much." He asked and I looked at him.

"Bradley I haven't gotten drunk in over a year please just this once?"


"Please Bradley."

"Ugh What am I ever gonna do with you?" He asked and I shrugged. He laughed and accepted the drink the bartender gave him.

"Drunk sex if rougher." I said winking.

"Boy you can't even move your hip." He said and I glared at him and he kissed me quickly. "Love you anyways though." He said and I smiled at him.

"I love you to." I said.

"Hey John Come here." Kelly yelled and I got up and walked over to him and the team and they all burst out laughing. I stood there confused for a second then it hit me.

"Shut up!" I laughed.

"Dude can men even get sore?"

"I don't know! Stop!" I whined.

"How ling did y'all bang?"

"Y'all child's." I said and they all laughed.

"Yeah but we're smart children." Kelly said and I laughed.

"Yeah y'all know way to much." I laughed and I walked off. They laughed as I walked off and I flipped them off over my shoulder. I grabbed my drink and took one long drink of it. One more and I'll be drunk. I thought and I looked over and Bradley and I guess he knew it to. I put the drink down and leaned against him. "I'm tired can we go home?" I said.

"I thought you wanted to get drunk?"

"I don't try to get drunk it just happens. Also, I don't wanna do anything to hurt you." I said smiling at him. "I'm so mean when I'm truly drunk. I don't know what I would do." He kissed me quickly.

"You care about me so much."

"Yeah just like I should." I said and I laid my head on his shoulder.

"Let's Go Home." He said and we stood up and walked out.

"Where are y'all going?!" Kelly shouted.

"I don't wanna get drunk tonight." I said and he looked at me.

"Come on dude I can count on one hand how many drinks you've had in the last year one night."
"Bradley." I croaked walking in. "I'm so sorry baby." I cried.

"What? John I know your drunk, it's ok."

"Nnnn no that's not it."

"What is it?"

"Remember when we said we had to tell each other everything?"


"Well I always told you the truth I never lied to you. I could lie to you right now and say everything is fine but I'm not gonna do that to you Bradley because I love and care about you. Your not gonna think I love you after this but baby I do and I'm so sorry."

"What John?!" He snapped.

"K-k-Kelly I-i-i-i  f-f-f..." my voice died.

"Naw John Your joking shut up your just drunk." Bradley said getting the point. "Stop talking stupid you'd never do that. I know you John you love me."

"Yeah I do love you Bradley but I guess you just don't know me." I whispered.

"Why?" He asked and I shrugged.

"I don't know he was just there and the next thing I knew... I was so drunk." I cried. He shook his head and stood up and a single tear fell down his cheek.

"How can I find it in my heart to forgive you? But John that's all I wanna do. I wanna wrap you in my arms and tell you that I love you and tell you that I know you'll never do that again. We could pretend that none of this happened, it was all just a dream. But it isn't a dream John and I can't just forgive you." He said. Tears fell into my lap.

"Why can't we do that Bradley." I asked him and I looked at him and I felt my face fall. He bit his lip. "I wanted to grow old with you Bradley. I wanna get married to you Bradley. We're never gonna get to that point if we end all of this now. Bradley we've been together for three years. That's a long Fricken time." I said. "I'm so sorry. I know I ruined everything. Just if your gonna leave don't make a big deal out of it." I said sliding into the sheets of the bed. I closed my eyes and tried to pretend none of this way happening. My head started to pound from all the alcohol I drank along with everything that was going on. The bed sunk in beside me and a strong arm pulled me against them. I looked at Bradley and smiled.

"John never do it again." He said sternly. I nodded and scooted away from him.

"Let me sleep alone tonight." I said and he sat up. "No not like that I just mean on my side of the bed."

"Oh. Ok." He said sounding hurt.

Try Again |Third Book in the Bad At Love series|Where stories live. Discover now