I'm Not Going Anywhere

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"Hey John you've been sick for a week and two days now." He said walking into my room and I nodded.

"Yeah, I know." I said. "I can count." I groaned.

"I'm sorry." He said sighing. "I just want you to feel better."

"I know." I said. "I wanna feel better also."

"Here take your medicine." He said opening the bottle. He handed me two.

"Could you turn the light off?" I asked and he got up and turned it off.

"You need anything?"

"Naw I'm good."

"Ok call me if you need anything."

"Ok." I said and I rolled over and was knocked out.
"He doesn't wanna See you." Bradley whispered as I woke up. "Just please leave." I sat up slowly. I got up and opened the door.

"Ashley Leave." I mumbled. "Who's this?" I asked leaning against the door.

"This is Michael."

"Yeah what ever well could you and Michael leave?" I asked.

"I just wanted to make sure you were ok, I heard you were really sick."

"Yeah I am and your making my head hurt even more please can you please."

"Now till I have you."

"Gosh Ashley What do you not understand about No, the N or the O?"

"No I understand what no means, I just know your gonna come back and want me one day."

"Yeah I'll want a girl who shot me twice Sure."

"Stop John I can't forget about that I feel so bad."

"Your Crazy Please leave."

"Why John?"

"Because I'm sick and I have Bradley."

"Yeah Yeah Yeah I know your sick but Bradley What about him?" She asked and I looked at him.


"What's everything mean John?"

"You asked what about him, well I love him. I love his smiled his laugh. How he walks how he talks, everything about him. He always knows how to make me smile, he makes my days better. I can't go without him I can't even play a game without him. I couldn't live life without him he makes my life a better place." I said and she scoffed.

"Well one day Bradley isn't gonna be here." She said smirking.

"One day your not gonna be here way before Bradley won't be here." I said.


"Yeah really Ashley you wanna bet."

"Bet what?"

"I don't know why don't you chose." I said shrugging. "What ever you bet on you gonna lose." I said.

"You and Bradley you won't make it two more years."

"I'll be thirty in two years I'll count on it." I said shrugging. "Deal." I said. "Now can you leave?"

"Sure." She said shrugging. "I'll see you later John." She said and I went to walk but I got really dizzy. I waited for them to walk out the door and then I sat down on the floor.

"John! Are you ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine just dizzy, can you help me up?" I asked and he stuck his arm out. He pulled me up and kissed me. "Thanks." I said and I laid back down. I woke up late the next day and my head didn't hurt. "Bradley!" I yelled and my throat didn't hurt. He came running in and I sat up then stood up.

"What John?!" He asked.

"Nothing I feel great." I said and he smiled.

"You act like you were just cured of cancer."

"Hey Stop, I didn't mean it that way I was just saying." I said and he smiled.

"I know I was just picking on you." He said wrapping his arms around me and kissing me quickly. "Now since you feel better you wanna do anything?"

"Sure." I said shrugging. I looked at him and started to smile.

"What?" He asked and i shrugged.

"I just love you." I said smiling and I walked off and changed. "Thanks for taking care of me."

"Hey no problem, I'll always take care of you." He said and I smiled.

"Hey Bradley she's serious she's gonna do something to you, can we try to stick with each other for a few days." I said and he nodded.

"Yeah I know, but I also don't want you getting hurt."

"I don't give a fuck if I get hurt Bradley all I care about is you." I said sharply.

"Yeah well if you care about me then maybe you should know I care about you and it would kill me if anything happened to you John." He said quietly.

"Oh baby nothing gonna happen to me." I said wrapping my arms around him. "I love you I'm sorry for snapping. Hey we're gonna be fine look at me Bradley. I'm gonna be ok and so are you neither of us are going anywhere." I said and he smiled. "Now let's go somewhere." I said smiling. I wrapped my hand around his and we walked to the car. "Let's Go out to eat. I'll take you on a date." I said smiling at him. "A normal date." I said and he laughed as I remembered the last date we went on. I looked at the road then glanced at him and smiled.

"John!" Bradley yelled and I jerked and swerved back to our lane.

"I'm sorry I just wasn't paying attention."

"Yeah I know and I don't want you to die!" He snapped. I smiled inside knowing even when he was mad he cared about me.

"Look don't yell everyone is ok, I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry I just freaked out I don't know what I'd do without you John." He said and I smiled.

"Quit saying it like that I'm not going anywhere." I said and he smiled and held my free hand. 

"I love you so much John."

"And I love you even more than that Bradley Beal."

Try Again |Third Book in the Bad At Love series|Where stories live. Discover now